|A| Vorthos D'Artagnan: The Faceless Fury

In the quaint coastal village of Crescent Cove, there lived a young woman named Elara Duvall, the childhood sweetheart of Vorthos, the Changeling Swashbuckler Rogue and shipwright. From a tender age, Elara and Vorthos shared a bond that transcended friendship, their hearts intertwined like the waves upon the shore.
  Growing up amidst the scent of sea salt and the echoes of laughter, Elara and Vorthos were inseparable. They roamed the sandy beaches together, collecting seashells and dreaming of adventures beyond the horizon. Elara's bright, hazel eyes held a sense of wonder, and her golden hair danced in the sea breeze as she listened to Vorthos's tales of ships and distant lands.
  As they blossomed into adolescence, their connection deepened into something more profound. They stole tender moments beneath the moonlit sky, confessing their dreams and aspirations to each other. Elara's unwavering support for Vorthos's passion for shipbuilding and his yearning for the open sea nurtured his spirit, encouraging him to follow his heart.
  Eventually leaving Crescent Cove, Vorthos has come to regret leaving behind his young love and tells himself that one day he would return, if only to convince himself that he did not truely abandon her.
  The Faceless Fury became Vorthos' name on the open seas, and it was well earned as his reputation as a cutthroat swashbuckler ended most conflicts before they could even begin. Though this notoriety garnered him enemies as well, and none more relentless as one Commodore Philips Revanfold.
  Vorthos' crew was known as the best of the best, consisting of:
  • First Mate Alistair "Ironhook" Blackburn: A burly and seasoned sailor, Alistair serves as Vorthos's trusted first mate. Known for his iron hook hand, lost in a fierce battle with pirates, Alistair is fiercely loyal and possesses a sharp tactical mind. His gruff demeanor hides a heart of gold and an unwavering dedication to the crew's well-being.
  • Navigator Isabella "Stargazer" Delacroix: With her sharp intellect and astute knowledge of celestial navigation, Isabella is the crew's brilliant navigator. Her piercing blue eyes seem to hold the secrets of the stars, and her uncanny ability to predict the weather and chart accurate courses has saved the crew from many a perilous voyage.
  • Bosun Marius "Silvershade" Duskwind: Marius, a nimble and agile sailor, serves as the ship's bosun. With a mischievous grin always playing upon his lips, he excels at scaling the rigging, repairing sails, and ensuring the smooth operation of The Shadow's Fury. Marius is also known for his quick wit and penchant for telling tales that keep the crew's spirits high.
  • Gunner Celia "Firebrand" Emberheart: Celia, a fiery and fearless gunner, commands the ship's cannons with unerring accuracy. With a natural affinity for explosives and an unmatched skill in artillery, she instills fear in the hearts of enemy ships. Celia's spirit matches her flame-red hair, and her passion for a good fight makes her an invaluable asset in any battle.
  • Cook and Quartermaster Jasper "Whiskers" McGregor: Jasper, a jovial and rotund figure, ensures the crew's bellies are never empty. As the ship's cook and quartermaster, his culinary skills are legendary, and his meals boost morale even in the most trying of times. With a laugh that resonates through the ship, Jasper's presence brings comfort and a taste of home to the crew.
  • Surgeon and Healer Evelyn “Whisperwind” Hawthorne: Evelyn, a gentle and compassionate soul, is the ship’s skilled surgeon and healer. Her delicate touch and extensive knowledge of herbs and poultices have saved countless lives. Evelyn’s serene presence offers solace in the face of danger, and her wisdom guides the crew through both physical and emotional wounds.
Upon receiving word of a suspiciously enormous score freighted by none other that Captain Vorthos D'Artangan's own rival, Commodore Philips Revanfold, and his ship The Flaunted Champion, The Shadow's Fury embarked on a daring chase. The Fury found The Champion without escort in the open sea and drafted along The Champion's wake so as to avoid coming within the merchant ship's port and starboard firing ranges. Confident in his ship's superior speed, Captain Vorthos D'Artangan called for his crew to prepare for boarding. However, The Champion suddenly lurched and fled with an unnatural pace along an intangible wind. Eventually The Fury followed The Champion into a terrible storm, slowly gaining but quickly losing them in the torrent. That's when a mysterious mist fell upon The Fury. However, before the fog could consume them, Captain Vorthos D'Artangan was struck from behind and blacked out. When awoke he was alone on a misty beach amongst the wreck of a dinghy and when he wandered into the fog he found himself in Barovia.

Dreams of the Fury

While adventuring through Barovia, Vorthos has been plagued by dreams of nightmares of the night he was taken. Vorthos remembers than in the storm he and his crew fought against their captors: shadowy monks that summoned a kraken to destroy the ship. Vorthos was the only member to escape the ship, as his crewmates were restrained from joining him.

The Fate of the Fury

Using the Mirror of the Shade, Vorthos attempted to scry on his crewmates, only to discover that they have been taken into Barovia as well, and are being tortured by Majordomo Rahadin in Castle Ravenloft.
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