|C| Father of the Bride

"We found you alone in the woods, with no sign of where you came from. But your father loved you all the same..." - Father Donavich


The Guardians of the Horizon uncovered a letter on the corpse of a currier near the Gates of Barovia .
Ireena Kolyana refuses to leave Barovia before her father, Kolyan Indirovich is laid to rest at the Church Graveyard .
The Guardians of the Horizon aided in providing Ireena Kolyana and Ismark Kolyanovich thier opportunity to grieve.
The spirit of Kolyan Indirovich visited Ocarin Stonehollow in the night and pleaded with him to protect his daughter.
Father Grigori Donavich revealed to Ireena Kolyana that she was actually adopted by Kolyan Indirovich and that they don't know where she came from.


Ireena Kolyana and Ismark Kolyanovich has grived the loss of their father, flawed as he may have been.