|C| The Hags of Old Bonegrinder

"Care for a pastry, dearies? They're fresh; just chopped up this morning!" - Morgantha


Finding the Old Bonegrinder Windmill

The Guardians of the Horizon found a decript old windmill along the road to Vallaki. A raven tried to warn them about the danger inside, but our heroes persisted.

Engaging with the Hags

Finding Morgantha alone, the Guardians of the Horizon fought off her minions, only to reveal that they themselves were in ownership of the windmill's deed - making them the rightful owners and giving them the power to remove the hags from the property.

The Windmill Attic

Once the hags had departed, Warren Peace searched the structure for the hags' influence, only to find himself trapped in the attic and broilded alive. Warren Peace realized the trap's failsafe just in time to survive and escaped.

The Fate of these Old Bones

With the building clear of living children, the Charlemagne set the structure ablaze and the Guardians of the Horizon burned down their mill.

The Monoliths

The four stones depict long faded dedications to four ancient gods and their ancient cities:
  • The eastern stone depicts a tall cathedral standing beneath rising sun and hosts recognizable motifs with the symbols of The Morninglord.
  • The northern stone shows a frozen forest surrounding an icy structure. Charlemagne  recognizes the facade of the structure as the spitting image of the Fortress of Memories, but she does not recognize the forest.
  • The western stone is the most plain and depicts a flat realm with only an enormous spire centered on the stone. When Ocarin Stonehollow touched the stone, he had a vision of A Tale of Three Hungry Crows.
  • The southern stone depicts a lunar eclipse, a meeting of both light and darkness. Warren Peace recognized this as a symbol common in his monastery - the "Two-Faced-Goddess", Shar and her sister Selune made whole.

The Children of the Mill

The Guardians of the Horizon saved the three living children in the mill and escorted them to Vallaki.


The Guardians of the Horizon have routed the Coven of the Night Hags and save the children they intended on grinding. But where will the sisters go now...?