|C| World Famous Meat Pies!

"Greetings, dearie - care for a treat?" - Morgantha


The Guardians of the Horizon met Morgantha and purchased some of her Dream Mincemeat Pastries .
Ocarin Stonehollow and Vorthos D'Artagnan became addicted to the pastries .
Warren Peace tossed the parties remaining pastries into the town well.
Vorthos D'Artagnan sought out Morgantha and discovered how she exploits the villagers with her pastries to kidnap their children.
The Guardians of the Horizon fight Morgantha and before leaving she reveals that Strahd von Zarowich has enemies at Argynvostholt and holds his secrets at the Amber Temple .


The Guardians of the Horizon routed Morgantha away from the village and discovered her home to be the Old Bonegrinder windmill. But what will come of that pesky town well...?
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