Blue Water Inn

Gray smoke issues from the chimney of this large, two-story wooden building with a stone foundation and sagging tile roof, upon which several ravens have perched. A painted wooden sign hanging above the main entrance depicts a blue waterfall.
The Blue Water Inn is Vallaki’s main gathering place for locals, especially at night. The innkeeper, Urwin Martikov, considers the inn a sanctuary from the evils of this land. In the event of trouble, the windows and doors can all be barred shut from within.
  • A bed for the night costs 1 gp.
  • A cooked wolf steak costs 1 gp.
  • The inn offers a pint of Purple Grapemash No. 3 wine for 3 cp
  • A pint of the superior Red Dragon Crush wine for 1 sp.

Area Map

Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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Blue Water Inn Location Details