Old Svalich Road

The Old Svalich Road is the main arterial roadway of Barovia. The Svalich road carves its path from the mists in the east to the west connecting all three of the land's major settlements: Barovia, Vallaki, and Krezk. Though most travelers stick to the most treaded portions of the road to stay safe, there is never a guarantee - there is always something watching...

Area Map

Related Report (Primary Locations)
Related Plots
Connected Locations
Gates of Barovia
Village of Barovia
Ivlis River
Ivlis River Crossroads
Tser Falls
Castle Ravenloft Crossroads
Old Bonegrinder
Lake Zarowich
Town of Vallaki
Luna River
Luna River Crossroads
Tsolenka Pass
Raven River
Raven River Crossroads
Village of Krezk

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