Guardians of the Horizon

The main protagonists of Digimon Adventure are a group of eight (seven, at first) Chosen Children: Yagami Taichi, Yagami Hikari, Ishida Yamato, Takaishi Takeru, Takenouchi Sora, Izumi Kōshirō, Kido Jo, and Tachikawa Mimi.
  Homeostasis (possessing Hikari) reveals to them that it had chosen them to become Chosen Children because they had all been present for a battle between Koromon and a wild Parrotmon in Hikarigaoka in 1995. Specifically, it chose Taichi and Hikari because they had caused Koromon to evolve from a Digitama that appeared in their house into a Greymon; and it chose the other six because, when it scanned their data, it noticed that they all had something unidentified in common with Taichi and Hikari. Homeostasis and its agents, including Gennai, then created the Digitama of their partner Digimon, their Digivices, and their Crests and Tags based on the scanned data.
  Seven of the eight Chosen Children begin their adventure in the Digital World on August 1 1999, when they receive their Digivices and are brought into the Digital World while at their summer camp. Hikari was meant to be at the summer camp as well, but due to illness she is unable to attend.
  The identity of the "eighth Chosen Child" remains a mystery for some time, and when they come to the Real World, both the other Chosen Children and Vamdemon's forces work to track them down. During a fight with Mammon at Hikarigaoka, the Chosen Children remember the Greymon-Parrotmon fight of 1995, and realize that the eight Chosen Child must also have been present at that fight. However, the various leads that they try to follow, including theorizing that the child must have also moved away from Hikarigaoka after the fight, raiding their old phone books, and picking up the signal of another Digivice in the Shiba-ura area, all amount to nothing. Meanwhile, Vamdemon's forces use duplicates of the Chosen Child's Crest of Light to try and find them, but also have no luck. It is Wizarmon who correctly identifies Hikari as the eight Chosen Child, and Tailmon as her partner Digimon. After being abducted by Vamdemon and then freed, Hikari and Tailmon join the Chosen Children for the final battles against him.
  Before the final battle with Apocalymon, Gennai reveals to the Chosen Children that they are not the first Chosen Children, and that a previous group of five had once defeated Apocalymon.
Adventuring Party
Controlled Territories