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Living amongst the trees of Rudorei and Kirshall, the forest-dwelling Satyr's are the oldest of Aman'yok's creations. The Satyr's connection with the land has meant for their own dwellings many of the technological advancements the other races enjoy have been rebuked in favor of more magical pursuits. Indeed, as the oldest of the Major Races, the Satyr's connection to the aether is substantially stronger than even their closest relatives, the Aelves.   While they have long askewed the many comforts of technology, they themselves were not immune to it's allure and indeed, communication between them and the realms of man had long been established as a barter's relation. They would offer their magical services to the Kings, Nobles, Merchantment or anyone able to make their prices and in exchange man would offer goods not found in the forests. Precious stones from the dwarves, spices from the Aelven lands, exotic animals from distant Ebura or Obsidian, a deeply precious and spiritually significant material to the Satyr's from the volcanic island of Bhorum-anhar   The relations between Man and Satyr however, were never completely amicable, indeed as the borders of man expanded, it was the forests the Satyr's called home that would so often pay the prices. When war was waged on Satyr land, it was Satyr forests that would burn but the final straw, was the murder of Aman'yok. So connected to the creator were they, that on his death, it is said that every Satyr felt a sharp magical pang. This pain itself proved so great, the old, the young and those so infirmed were all struck down. With the Faith of the Aman's temporal prohibition proved ruinous to Satyr society.   Among the many things they found thesmelves dependent on man, the keeping of time, a necessity as all fey dealings of the Satyr's were found on the common principal of a "One Year, and One Day" as a general rule for when payment in return for services rendered was owed. The rend now, between the two seems two wide a gap to cross.
Formed from Aman'yok
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