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Kirshall & Rudorei


Kirshall and Rudorei consist almost exclusively of dense forests, grassy hill and broad plains coated in farmlands, in the west the grass gives way to sands at the Gap of Rudorei, leading into Illalon. In the south, the forests sing with the Satyr's songs. In the north, along the north from the Sea of Spiced Winds all the way to the lip of Garibald Bay, well trodden paths, and dirt roads lead the most traveled of trade routes.  

Western Kirshall

Eastern Kirshall

The Poxweald
Near Garibald Bay, The Poxweald festers, a blight on the landscape. In it's densest parts, poisonous mushrooms are said to grow, tall as houses, barbed vines are recorded as being seen moving of their own accord and even flesh-hungry plants, it is said grow, feasting upon the rodents of the land who pause too near to them.


The geography of Rudorei is nearly identical to that of Kirshall, so similar in fact that they are often lumped together as one larger region. Rudorei however, has some key distinctions, the land levels out for far vaster stretches, the climate more arid and the arable land a little less hearty than the grazinglands of Kirshall. This is all the more true the closer one gets to the Gap of Rudorei, and beyond that the Wastes of Illalon.
The Gap of Rudorei
Along the western mountains of Rudorei, the Wastes of Illalon loom. Aelven Raiders have long made raids into Rudorei when a powerful enough warlord has been able to stem the tide of infighting that keeps the Illalori confined to base savagery.
Lake Rivan
Southern Forests
World Map
Inhabiting Species


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