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The Second Outbreak of The Plague of The Green Inferno

Plague / Epidemic


The second outbreak of the Plague of the Green Inferno would occur in the year of 913, again beginning in the border villages before spreading to the capital. News quickly made it's way back to Last Clearings who would cut off contact with the Empire until such a time where they themselves, deemed the disease had passed. In both Vobralbiz and New Khirina, Lizardmen ships denied entry at port under pain of death.
The ensuing trade isolation from Man and Orc meant new trade routes needed to be explored and in 916, under a blue moon, a naval vessel of the Empire was able to cross the harsh waters of the Hattokar Sea, finding the coast of the Hunolduran Plains. Not long, thereafter were they discovered by a Dwarven Merchant Ship flying the tri-flags of Khenthiad. The Dwarves, with a known hearty resistance to disease were unaffected by the fever and in short order, the High Thane of Khenthiad ordered a fleet to provide aid. This was not solely an act of kindness however, as this meant the Dwarves, with a newfound trading partner, could leverage the perceived kindness of their actions against the Empire for more profitable ventures

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