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Across Hattokar's Sea is Ebura, opposite the shores of the Hunolduran Plains, a large jungle island covered in boundless miles and miles of dense foliage. Outside of contact with the Lizardmen of the Empire of Qeyte'Piqan, no information of the continent's interior has made it out of the jungle. Villages like Bronze Eye are only known due to the loose lips of Lizardmen traders visiting the trading post of Last Clearings.

Diseases of Ebura

Whether communicated via animal bite, consumption of a poisonous flower, or even some malady that seems to cling to the air itself, Ebura is home to many diseases that have have made life all but inhospitable to the foreign races that have intruded on the Lizardmen's homes.

The Plague of The Green Inferno

The Plague of The Green Inferno attacks the body in three waves, starting first as a terrible fever, then a brief lull in symptoms where the body almost seems to have recovered save for a slight sense of imbalance, indeed many cases could go disregarded as a traditional fever in this period, however this would be folly, as in the third wave an intense weakness pervades the body, vomitting and a return of the fever from the first wave with a renewed intensity. If the symptoms of the first wave are managed defly, and the quiet period of the second, not capitalized on, the third wave sees an increased mortality in the afflicted.
The First Sickening
Originating in the Empire of Qeyte'Piqan, in 798, the first outbreak of the Plague of The Green Inferno was observed in the villages facing the continental interior before spreading along trade routes to the coastal cities. For the Empire, trade with the settlments was rare, however contact between the empire's merchant caravans and the trade depot of Last Clearings were frequent enough where, in 801, the disease first was noted by apothecaries and medicine men of New Khirina and Vobralbiz.
The settlements found themselves ill equipped to handle the mounting death toll of the disease and soon missives to Irinoff were sent out, requesting additional provisions and aid. In cruel irony, the very convoy sent to request aid, would also deliver the disease to Irinoff itself. First hitting the capital seat of Great Irinoff early in 802 and spreading to Sankstkrat and neighboring Enekland later in that year. The outbreak in Khirina would be significantly less of a problem owing to the increased resources they had access to, and the remote nature of most Irinoff cities.
The Second Sickening
The second outbreak would occur in the year of 913, again beginning in the border villages before spreading to the capital. News quickly made it's way back to Last Clearings who would cut off contact with the Empire until such a time where they themselves, deemed the disease had passed. In both Vobralbiz and New Khirina, Lizardmen ships denied entry at port under pain of death.
The ensuing trade isolation from Man and Orc meant new trade routes needed to be explored and in 916, under a blue moon, a naval vessel of the Empire was able to cross the harsh waters of the Hattokar Sea, finding the coast of the Hunolduran Plains. Not long, thereafter were they discovered by a Dwarven Merchant Ship flying the tri-flags of Khenthiad. The Dwarves, with a known hearty resistance to disease were unaffected by the fever and in short order, the High Thane of Khenthiad ordered a fleet to provide aid. This was not solely an act of kindness however, as this meant the Dwarves, with a newfound trading partner, could leverage the perceived kindness of their actions against the Empire for more profitable ventures.

Toadthroat Blight

A not uncommon illness found in those who venture too far into the jungles of Ebura, Toadthroat Blight is an infection of the throat wherein, the throat expands nearly twofold in size like a cruel mockery of the native Eburan toads. While the inflammation goes down within a few days, in the young ,elderly and in the sickly, the disease can linger and without a healer's intervention, most are known to slowly choke to death as the inflammed mass presses the windpipe closed until at last no breaths can be breathed.


An infection that effects the heart, Sourheart is called this as, those inflicted will begin experiencing shortness of breath and cold sweats before ultimately succoming to disease. Should an autopsy be performed, the heart of the afflicted will have a discolored yellow color and will be shrunken down to half it's normal size.


The Coastal Exterior

Here be settlements and the lizard empire

The Jungles of Ebura

Tree cover so dense entire valleys are swathed in total darkness

The Heart of The Continent & Beyond

Little and less information is known about the interior beyond what little contact has been made with the people of Bronze Eye


World Map


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