Economy & Prices

This Article will serve as a general overview of prices for goods and services in the various societies of Kashura. A thing to keep in mind is that these are averages, so prices might fluctuate based on demand, availability, location, tradition, quality, material and much more.
Regardless, I hope that these will at least give a general overview over the value of money and specific goods in this day and age. Note that some of the prices might be relatively lower or higher compared to their base 5e prices and that some options might be missing entirely. Those choices are intentional to better reflect the actual availability of materials and labor required, though if there is something you disagree with you are free to bring it up.
The Intention here is not to create a perfectly simulated economy, but to give a better general approximation to let you see where your characters stand in the world in terms of wealth.
Besides Equipment, most of these tables are sorted alphabetically, not by price.  


While different nations and polities have different currencies with different mintings, almost all of them follow the copper, silver, gold conversion system:
50 copper pieces = 1 silver piece
25 silver pieces = 1 gold piece
Copper is the currency of the lower strata, used for everyday purchases such as food, drink, lodging etc.
Silver is the currency of the middle strata, used for the purchase of weapons, armor, specialized tools, livestock and serves as a standard for most trade deals made by merchants.
Gold is the currency of the upper strata, reserved for purchases of luxury goods, land, exotic mounts and strategic assets. Most people almost never get their hands on gold coins in their day to day life, as even a single one is a life-altering amount of money to everyday folks, worth more than half a year of wages to most commoners.   For Conversions of Base D&D objects that do not have a price listed (such as spell components) Half the amount of gold and convert it to silver, that should serve as a rough approximation. If you want to know the precice maths:
4 5e CP = 1CP
2 5e GP = 1SP
50 5e GP = 1GP  



General Goods:


Livestock, Mounts & Vehicles:


Landed Property, Services & Wages:

People in pre-industrial times predominantly were subsistence farmers, living off the land producing most of what they needed themselves, while bartering with neighbors and nearby villages for what they did not have. Collaborative ownership was also quite common, allowing larger groups of people to afford what they could not on their own.
As a consequence of this, wages are a concept mostly applying to city dwellers, where room was often scarce and labor abundant.
These Wages are averages, there are people that pay their employees much better and much worse. It is also not uncommon to pay out parts of a laborer's wage in the form of material goods such as food, drink or parts of the produced product.  
As anyone that ever had to the displeasure of looking for a place to rent or buy will know, these prices fluctuate heavily depending on location.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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