
"You've got cats and boobs. All you need to do is to work bacon in there somehow, and you've got the internet trinity."
- Sun Tzu on Cat Girls probably
    Hello you, yes you, let me break character real quick to ask you a VITAL question. You recognize we live in a world where the only real sapient species is Humans right? And yet if you’ve ever been on the internet you will have probably seen the dark depths, the abyss of depravity, and still you have that voice in your head that says ”That's definitely someone's fetish”.
So in a world where people are attracted to things that don’t even fucking EXIST, how can there be any question about interspecies attraction between fully feeling and fully sapient species in a fictional world where those things very much do exist? That’s what I thought, that’s all I needed to say, thanks for listening to my TedTalk™.     Hybrids, also referred to as mixed-bloods, or half-breeds by racial puritans, is a general term used to incorporate all those with genetics from more than one Strain. While interspecies relations are not overly common, they are not exactly unheard of either, especially in larger multicultural cities and nations.
There might be all sorts of stereotypes associated with such relations depending on culture, country and religious beliefs (such as in The Draconid Empire where Draconid Superiority and Blood Purity are seen as virtuous), but life, lust and love will find a way, as the saying goes. The experience of children born from such relationships can vary drastically depending on all of those factors: They might be simply seen as a bit odd but otherwise normal, or as an exotic curiosity, or as a shameful symbol of racial impurity, or anything between those extremes.
Some Hybrid types are a lot more or less common than others: Hominids and Draconids for example almost never intermix for a variety of cultural and religious reasons, but there are still exceptions. Meanwhile probably about 50% of all Hybrids are at least partially Wildkin, simply because of the sheer variety present in that Strain, “Whatever your heart desires” or something like that. Wildkin cultures also generally seem to care a lot less about interbreeding, many Wildkin species after all exist only because a wolf-person thought “that’s a sexy bug”.    

Playing a Hybrid:

If you want to play a Hybrid, there are generally three routes you can go down (You can take both More options and Whole Hog at once):  

Visual only:

While you visually might carry aspects of multiple Strains, you mechanically only take traits and abilities from one. This is a purely visual choice with no mechanical costs.  

More options: (1 SP; can be taken multiple times)

For the cost of only 1 SP you can take Optional Strain Abilities from one Strain in addition to your Primary Strain. You do not gain the Core Strain Abilities of that Strain though, such as The Wildkin Diversified or the Hominid Flame of Divinity abilities. For that you need Whole Hog.  

Whole Hog: (2 SP; can be taken multiple times if that’s what you really want)

For the cost of 2 SP, you gain the Core Strain Abilities of an additional Strain such as The Wildkin Diversified or the Hominid Flame of Divinity abilities, but you cannot take their Optional Strain Abilities. For that you need More options.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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