The Ashen lord

“Be strong for your people, or die in their Name”
  The Ashen Lord is the ancient god of The Gray Giants, hominids of a particular strain which used to inhabit the island of Rungholt. He was said to dwell in the fires of The Vulspar (see: Rungholt) before its eruption, and represents Strength, Individuality, Survival, War and Fire.
By his most common depictions he was said to be a massive, bald humanoid figure with ashen gray skin and veins of fire running all across his body, though his followers would sometimes report he would appear to them as a plume of smoke and fire in their dreams.  

Core Beliefs:


Only the Worthy:

The Ashen lord is a demanding god, expecting only the best of his followers. He would demand regular sacrifices, to be brought before him in exchange for his protection and favor, and would regularly punish his followers with earthquakes and eruptions if they grew to content. That said, to those that would appease him and gain his favor, he would be both sword and shield and grant them the strength to protect their loved ones, family and friends.  

The Sanctuary in the Snow:

According to their oldest stories, The Gray Giants arrived on Rungholt thousands of years ago, when they were fleeing over the sea from a great foe. They would have perished had it not been for the fires of The Vulspar guiding their way, and when they arrived on Rungholt, they found something that surpassed even their wildest dreams. A sanctuary, far away from the troubles and dangers of the continent, The Ashen Lord had guided them here, saved them all from certain death, and all he required in return was their servitude.
They would live here, settle Rungholt by his favor and his grace, so to keep The Ashen Lord satisfied became the highest imperative.  

Followers and Worship:

The Ashen Lord expects only the best from his followers. They must be the quickest hunters, the strongest warriors, the wisest scholars. They must always prove to him that they are worthy of his blessing, as his favor is quickly lost.
Different clans had different ways of worship: some gathered great sacrifices, often offering more than half of their yearly spoils, others engaged in war with other tribes, proving through military prowess that they were worthy. Some engaged in ritual combat, duels to the death, hunting competitions, or went overseas to raid, bringing back spoils from the continent as offerings.   When The Vulspar erupted, many of his followers believed it to be because they had grown weak, content, unwilling to challenge themselves, and even now many of them preach that they must once again prove themselves worthy to their lord.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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