The Bleeding Lands

The Bleeding Lands, also referred to as The Crimson Hills and The Burning Wastes, are a large region of hills and highlands in the east of southern Kashura, stretching from the southern coast of The Conflux Sea, to the oceans south of the continent.
The region has been, at least nominally, under The control of The Morya Sultanate since 7 SF.  


While not as desolate and barren as some of the deserts of Kashura, The Bleeding Lands are generally known to be a hot, dry and infertile land, unsuitable for agriculture and most forms of permanent settlement.
Temperatures can climb as high as 45C (113F) during the calm seasons, and by some records can reach upwards of 50C (122F) during the harsh seasons. Earthquakes, heatwaves, bushfires and plagues are amongst the most common natural disasters that haunt The Bleeding Lands, especially during the harsh seasons.  


The Bleeding Lands are generally sparsely populated, home to around 150.000 people, most of which belong to The Zoltai Strain, though there is also a sizable presence of Hominids along the northern coast. These people mostly live in semi-nomadic tribal structures warring over vast territories of mostly empty land, or at least they were until The Morya Sultanate annexed and unified the region.  


As mentioned above, The Morya Sultanate has been in control of The Bleeding Lands for the better part of 25 years. Though it mostly lacks permanent settlements, there are two exceptions to this:
Samushaar, located in the north of the region along the southern coast of The Conflux Sea is a relatively new city, having been settled shortly after the unification of the region by The Morya Sultanate, is home to around 8.000 people and served as one of the first moryan ports with access to The Conflux Sea.
Narakadvaar, for the longest time, was one of the only permanent settlements in The Bleeding Lands, due to its proximity to The Dalsha, the only major body of water in the region. Due to this it has a long history of serving as a major diplomatic site, where different parties could meet on neutral grounds. It also served as a major spot of worship, as it was the main seat of the clergy of Zolthanor, at least until The Morya Sultanate took control of the region.  


Mountains & other geographical Features:

  • The Ashspitters
  • The Shield
  • The Suna Mountains
  • Bodies of Water:

  • The Dalsha
  • Miscellaneous Landmarks:

  • Panush Pass

  • Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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