The Neferi

The Neferi, also known as "The Breath", is a mountain range of middling size located in the south of Upper Zagesi, covered at its base by many The Melwar Forest and The Ruhar Forest, while being home to many of Upper Zagesis most famous predators, such as tigers and mountain lions. In terms of natural resources, The Neferi are rich in silver deposits, as well as pelts of rare and much sought after animals.   There are many presumed reasons for its name, though there are two which are favored by most people: for one, its glacial melt provides a lot of the water for most, if not all, major river systems in the south of Upper Zagesi, in which case it could be understood as “the breath that brings life to these lands”. Another option could be the strong winds that emanate from this mountain range, which cause a cooling breeze even on the hottest summer days, which would make the meaning of its name more literal.
Mountain Range

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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