The Otherworld

Most Cultures and Religions of Kashura have, in one way or another, a concept of a world beyond this one, a strange place of strange creatures that do not belong.   Some say it is a world of corruption, home to evil entities hostile to all life. Others claim that it is the afterlife, the place where souls go once their bodies have withered away, or the realm inhabited by the gods, or a place made of pure energy, a deep endless chasm, and infinite shoreline stuck in perpetual sunset, a place of endless reflection, or even a place where being loses meaning, and there are numerous other theories and assumptions.   The Otherworld is known by many names: The Outlands, The Divine Realm, Akasha, Aruman, The Great Beyond, The Fel, The Howling Abyss, The Formless Darkness, The Great Cold, The Mirror Realm, Sheol, The Ether, The Formless Mist and many more.   While the consensus amongst most people is that The Otherworld does indeed exist, that is about where the agreements on the topic end.
Some say it takes the form of disconnected islands suspended in nothingness, some say it as a realm of swirling chaos that reinvents and rebuilds itself constantly, or an endless ocean containing every possible form of existence, or a single gigantic landmass containing every aspect that people attribute to it, or even just a single infinite building.
Some say its influence is inherently evil and corrupts whatever comes into contact with it, while others claim it to be a world just like this one, or even a realm of pure good that simply returns things to what they should be.
The only thing that most people would agree to is that no one really knows.   There have in the past been magical experiments which sought to part the barriers between the worlds, most of them with disastrous consequences for the people in question, yet there are still those that have survived the ordeal and were able to learn from the experience.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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