The Shattered Sea

The Shattered Sea is a massive body of water located right in between the north-east and north-west of Kashura, separating the two like a wedge driven into the land itself. It carries the arctic winds from the north far inland, allowing the cold to penetrate far deeper into the continent than would normally be possible.
It separates the two sides of the continent in more ways than just geographically though. While its eastern shores are nowadays mostly inhabited by hominids, especially following the exodus of The Gray Giants from Rungholt in 0 SF, its western shores are almost entirely inhabited by members of The Wildkin Strain.
In the past, The Shattered Sea was home to vast networks of traders and merchants, as the region is both rich in tin and amber, though with the events of the past few decades many people have left the region, leading to the breakdown of said networks. This would have lasting consequences on the entire continent, as The Shattered Sea was the most common source of tin on all of Kashura.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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