The Wildkin Strain

Wildkin, or “Beastfolk” as they are also often called, is an umbrella term used to refer to a wide variety of different species of sapient, usually upright walking people with various different animalistic features.
While other Strains have quite a lot of variance in their appearance, they are usually still recognizable as part of the same species, but the same cannot be said for The Wildkin.
From mammalian and avian, to reptilian, amphibian, insectoid and countless more, it appears that the only throughline with The Wilkin Strain seems to be a combination of animalistic features with a roughly humanoid body shape, though even that is not always the case.   Many non-religious scholars presume that The Wildkin used to be a bunch of different Strains, which over time intermixed and crossbred, creating more and more hybrid species until it eventually no longer made sense to differentiate between them. This theory is generally referred to as “The Split Origin Theory”. Those same scholars usually also presume that The Wildkin were the first Strain to set foot on Kashura, which would at least partially explain why there are so MANY of them.
Some others presume that The Wildkin used to be regular animals, which over time attained sapience through some means and gradually evolved into their current forms. What those means were though is a point of contention: Many ascribe it to divine interference, a gift or perhaps curse of the gods, a spark of divinity uncovered by pure chance, planned cultivation, alignment with the will of the world, or just sheer coincidence.
There are many more theories but these are the most prevalent.   This doesn’t mean that different Wildkin don’t see each other as different. Far from it, many of them after all could not seem more different, but there still tends to be a shared sense of belonging which they lack with members of other Strains.  


Wildkin are found in almost every part of Kashura west of The Worldspine, they are after all the most abundant of all Strains, but they are significantly more common the farther west one goes on the continent. By the most common theories, the first Wildkin likely originated from The Great Lu-Shin Forest thousands of years ago, then gradually spread out over almost the entire continent from there.  

Faith and Culture:

With a Strain this large, diverse and spread out over such a large area, there aren’t a lot of universal similarities that apply to all, or even most Wildkin. Both religious beliefs and cultural practices vary widely depending on and are shaped by the more specific regions and polities that hold dominion over them.
Some scholars say that certain species of Wildkin naturally seem to gravitate towards certain types of societal structures. Such arguments tend to evolve into chicken-or-egg debates pretty quickly though: Does the environment shape their nature, or does their nature lead them to shape their environment? None can say for certain.  

General Appearance:

As previously mentioned, the diversity in appearance within The Wildkin Strain is truly staggering, and makes it pretty difficult to make general statements about their overall appearance.
They can be massive or miniscule, have fur, scales, feathers, naked skin, chitinous carapaces, or any combination of the 5, and I'm sure I'm missing some! They can have any number of limbs from 2 to 14 (or more depending on whether or not you count tails, which I don't), with anywhere from 0 to 10 legs and 2 to 4 arms. Most can walk or slither, many can climb, some can swim or even fly.   I could go on, but we’d be here all day. Many scholars have attempted and failed to create a comprehensive system of classification for all wildkin, but there is one that is generally used and acknowledged to be somewhat accurate, without being pointlessly convoluted.
Keep in mind that this is an imperfect and non-comprehensive system even without considering Wildkin-hybrids or gods forbid Hybrids with other Strains.
Certain species might fit one, several or none of these categories: The Simians in the highlands of Kathachushan for example pretty firmly fit into the mammalian category, but what about the Sphinxes of The Azor Mountains? Are they mammalian, avian, neither, both? And what about the Crabfolk, won’t anyone think of the Crabfolk?! Are they insectoid or not? Besides their exoskeleton they have little in common with the other members of that category, are we supposed to make a category just for them?
Oh and this goes without saying, but just because the general trend inside one of these groups shows one thing, doesn’t mean that it has to apply to every single one of them. Female Insectoids for example might on average be taller and stronger than their male counterparts, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t exceptions.
There are 5 general categories:  


Includes the classics like Frogfolk, Toadfolk (yes they’re different you RACIST), but also other semi-aquatic soft bodied people like Snailfolk.
General: Generally soft, lacking serious protection such as hard scales or a carapace. Tend to be on the smaller side. Adapted to life on land and in water, don’t do too well in hot and dry environments. Tend to have between 2 and 4 limbs. Tend to live in small groups away from large population centers.
Sexual Dimorphism: Very subtle, people outside this category usually have a hard time telling male and female apart.  


Includes the various types of Birdfolk.
General: Almost always feathered, often with beaks and claws but lacking any serious protection. Vary greatly in height, but tend to be rather slim and nimble. Usually have 4 or 6 limbs and almost always possess the ability to fly.
Sexual Dimorphism: Varies from tribe to tribe, but is usually quite apparent with a difference in facial structure and males often displaying particularly vibrant feather patterns.  


Includes all the Insect-folk, but also stuff like arachnids, scorpionfolk and depending on who you ask, also Crabfolk.
General: Almost always covered in a robust carapace. Often possess claws, mandibles or some other type of natural weapon. Vary greatly in height. Can have anywhere between 4 to 14 limbs, though 6 is the most common. Tend towards matriarchal and authoritarian societal structures. Generally either live in densely populated areas with large families and tribes, or as hermits mostly on their own, there’s not much in-between. Often have very high infant-mortality rates with a “sink or swim” attitude towards their newborn.
Sexual Dimorphism: Extremely pronounced, with females often being much taller and stronger than males.  


Includes all the usual subjects, from catfolk to ratfolk, simians, minotaurs, but also various quadrupeds like the elusive Rabbitaurs.
General: Almost always covered in a coat of fur. Often possess claws, fangs or some other type of natural weapon. Height varies depending on species, with some very small and some very big. Usually have 4 limbs, though some have 6. Often well-adapted to colder climates. Tend to have very tight-nit familial structures.
Sexual Dimorphism: Often Quite apparent. Males tend to be a bit taller and stronger than females on average.  


Includes Lizardfolk, Serpentfolk, Turtlesfolk and more.
General: Often have scales, claws and fangs. Tend to be on the larger side, but there are some smaller species as well. Tend to have either 2 or 4 limbs, and only rarely more than that. Don’t do well in colder climates.
Sexual Dimorphism: Females tend to be a bit slimmer than males on average, though the difference isn’t very apparent to those outside this category.  

Average Lifespan:

While there is some variance from group to group and species to species, it usually averages out at around 100 years like with most other Strains, with some outliers greatly exceeding this lifespan.    

Strain Abilities:

When choosing Wildkin as your Primary Strain, you get the following abilities for free:
  • +2 to any one Ability Score and +1 to any other Ability Score.
  • Proficiency in The Language of your Homeland and one other Language.
  • Diversified:

  • Your Wildkin heritage grants you an additional 2 Strain Points (SP) for optional Strain abilities.
  • There is no ability that is universal amongst all Species of The WIldkin Strain, though this has allowed for more flexible and advanced abilities to develop.  

    Optional Strain Abilities:

    The Following are Strain Abilities available to you by choosing the Wildkin Strain: (As all other Strain, Wildkin get 5 Strain Points (SP) and can get additional additional points by spending 2 Ability Score Points per Strain Point)  

    Gigantism: (1 SP)

  • Prerequisites: minimum +2 Strength from Strain, Class and Background
  • This Ability Cannot be chosen with the Pygmy Strain Ability
  • Certain Wildkin are much greater in stature and bulk than others. These Individuals tower over their kin, wield greater power, carry greater burdens and are naturally much more intimidating. This trait is the most common amongst Wildkin in the far north of Kashura, especially amongst those that inhabit the area around The Shashan Mountains.
  • Your Height Increases to anywhere from 7-9ft. (210-270cm)
  • You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
  • You gain proficiency in the Intimidation Skill.
  • The Amount of Food and Water you need to Consume per day is doubled.
  • Your unarmed strikes deal damage equal to 1d4 + Str.
  • Pygmy: (1 SP)

  • Prerequisites: minimum +2 Dexterity from Strain, Class and Background
  • This Ability Cannot be chosen with the Gigantism Strain Ability
  • Choosing this Ability Decreases the Cost of Beastly Wings by 1 point
  • Conversely, there are some Wildkin which are much smaller in stature than others. This trait is most common amongst many subterranean and semi-aquatic species of Wildkin, but it occurs in most species with some frequency.
  • Your height decreases to anywhere between 3-4ft. (90-120cm), your size category becomes small and your carrying capacity is halved.
  • You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size category larger than yours.
  • Your base movement walking speed is set to 25ft.
  • You gain proficiency in the Stealth Skill.
  • The amount of food and water you need to consume on a daily basis is cut in half.
  • Natural Weapons: (1 SP; can be taken multiple times)

    Some Wildkin possess vicious natural weapons, capable of dealing damage similar to swords and spears. From Claws to Jaws, Talons and Tail Spikes to Mandibles and anything else you can think of.
  • Your unarmed strikes deal damage equal to 1d4 + your STR modifier. If you already possess natural weapons of some kind, the damage dice instead increases by 1 stage, to a maximum of 1d10.
  • If taking this ability would increase the damage die to 1d10, you also gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
  • Beastly Wings: (3 SP)

    You have a set of wings somewhere on your body. Usually the upper back, but some species of avian Wildkin also possess winged arms or several sets of wings spread out over their body. This trait is most common among avian and insectoid Wildkin.
  • You have one or several pairs of wings somewhere on your body, granting you flying speed equal to your walking speed.
  • Your Wings have however only developed to carry YOU specifically, requiring you to stay light and nimble if you intend on taking flight. As such, you can’t take flight while wearing medium or heavy armor, and your flying speed is halved while you are above half your maximum carrying capacity.
  • Powerful Wings: (2 SP)

  • Prerequisites: The Beastly Wings Strain Ability.
  • There are however some species of Wildkin whose wings have evolved to bear much greater burdens. This trait is more common amongst hybrid Wildkin, such as The Sphinxes of The Azor Mountains.
  • You can fly even in medium and heavy armor and you fly at normal speed as long as you remain under your maximum carrying capacity, even while carrying other creatures.
  • Aquatic Adaptation: (1 SP)

    Many Wildkin that live near coastal areas or large bodies of water have developed the ability to move as quickly in water as on land.
  • You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
  • Amphibious: (2 SP)

  • Prerequisites: The Aquatic Adaptation Strain Ability.
  • Certain Wildkin have not just adapted to hunt, but to live in water. Though much rarer than the ability to simply swim, these Wildkin can spend not just minutes or hours, but days underwater. While this ability is most common amongst the amphibian species group, it can rarely occur in others as well.
  • You can breathe both air and water.
  • Climbing Capability: (1 SP)

    Through dexterous hands, specially adapted claws, sticky fingers or whatever other means you have developed the ability to easily climb on surfaces most other people would find difficult to traverse. This Ability is generally pretty widespread, as there are few environments where the ability to climb would not be useful.
  • You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
  • Spider Climb: (2 SP)

  • Prerequisites: The Climbing Capability Strain Ability.
  • An ability most often found in various insectoid Wildkin species, these Wildkin have developed the ability to traverse walls, ceilings and the undersides of tables with ease.
  • You gain the ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free.
  • Long-distance Runner: (1 SP; can be taken twice)

    Certain Wildkin that live in wide open plains or grasslands have developed a body structure better suited to outrunning other creatures, both to hunt and to flee. Many Wildkin with a “tauric” body possess this trait.
  • Your walking Speed increases by 5ft.
  • Sprinter: (1 SP)

    Contrary to that, many other Wildkin have developed the ability to exert extreme amounts of energy for short bursts of speed, a different strategy to meet the same goal.
  • When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.
  • Prehensile Appendages: (1 SP; can be taken multiple times)

  • Prerequisites: minimum +2 Dexterity from Strain, Class and Background
  • Some Wildkin possess an unusual degree of dexterity with one or several of their limbs, approaching but not quite matching the dexterity of their hands and arms.
  • Choose either your feet, your tail (if you have one), your tongue or whatever else you can think of that would fit. The chosen appendages possess the ability to grab, lift and manipulate objects with a certain degree of precision.
  • While you cannot use them for complex or precise tasks such as using a tool, effectively wielding a weapon or performing the somatic components of a spell, it is still a useful ability to have in a pinch.
  • Omnidextrous: (2 SP)

  • Prerequisites: The Prehensile Appendages Strain Ability
  • A few push it further than that, and either by nature or through rigorous training possess the same amount of dexterity and precision with those appendages as with their hands. These Wildkin make for true escape artists.
  • Your Prehensile Appendages now possess the same degree of precision as your hands, and can be used for all things your hands could be used for. (don’t go running around with swords in your feet now though, you still need all your legs to be able to effectively walk and run. Also i’m just getting ahead of the shenanigans here, you cannot benefit from wielding multiple shields).
  • Lengthy Limbs: (2 SP)

    Some Wildkin have limbs specially adapted to increase the range of their melee attacks. This can take many shapes, from the multi-jointed arms of the Mantisfolk, which reveal their true reach only once it is to late for their prey, to the tails of The Scorpionfolk and grappling tongues of The Frogfolk, to something as simple as the disproportionately long arms found in some Simian Species.
  • Increase the range of your melee attacks by 5ft.
  • Extra Arms: (2 SP or 4 SP)

    A trait most common amongst insectoid Wildkin species, which does exactly what it says on the tin. These species of Wildkin possess an extra set of arms, usually slightly below their first set but they can really be anywhere on the torso. These arms usually serve an “auxiliary function”, supporting whatever the main pair of arms is doing, but in some rarer cases they can be fully functional and just as strong as the main pair.
  • You have a secondary pair of arms somewhere on your torso. The secondary arms can manipulate an object, open or close a door or container, pick up or set down tiny objects, wield a weapon that has the light property, perform the somatic components of a spell or perform any other task that requires precision but little strength.
  • If you spent 4 SP on this ability, the above limitations don’t apply and the secondary arms can do everything that your first set of arms could do. (Again, you cannot benefit from wielding multiple shields).
  • Natural Armor: (1 SP; can be taken twice)

    Many Wildkin have developed some sort of natural defenses, allowing them to better defend against the many dangers of Kashura, even in the absence of “modern” armor. This usually takes the shape of tough scales, a shell or a chitinous carapace, but there are many other options.
  • While not wearing Armor, your AC Increases by 1.
  • Toxin Adaptation: (1 SP)

    Many Wildkin live in areas where both flora and fauna have developed highly dangerous toxins to keep themselves safe from harm and more effectively hunt their prey. To combat this development, these Wildkin have developed countermeasures to better defend themselves against any such harmful substances that would enter their body in one way or another.
  • You gain resistance to poison damage.
  • You gain advantage on all saving throws against poison.
  • Toxin Immunity: (2 SP)

    Some go even further though, as their bodies develop ways to perfectly combat the effects of even the most vile toxins one can possibly imagine.
  • You gain immunity to poison damage and are immune to the effects of poisons.
  • Cold-weather Acclimation: (2 SP)

    A trait very common in Wildkin that inhabit the far northern and mountainous regions of Kashura, allowing them to survive in environments hostile to most other life.
  • You gain resistance to cold damage.
  • You are unaffected by the negative effects of high altitudes.
  • You have advantage on all saving throws against the effects of extreme cold.
  • Adaptive Camouflage: (2 SP)

    While many Wildkin have developed scales, fur or skin to better blend into their natural environment, there are some rare species which can change the patterns and colors on their body at will allowing them to easily blend into any environment. Some also use this ability for communication.
  • You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.
  • You can change the color, pattern and even texture of your body to easily blend into your environment, giving you advantage on all stealth checks you make to remain undetected while you aren’t moving.
  • Alternate Lower Body: (0 SP)

    Some species of Wildkin possess a lower body that doesn’t exactly fit into the same category as the “default” bipedal form which the majority of Wildkin possess. From Bug-like or Arachnid thoraxes and Abdomens with a number of legs anywhere between 6 and 10, to “tauric” lower bodies with 4 legs, to fish or snake-like tails that lack legs entirely or anything else you can think of. While these bodies are exceptionally well adapted to their natural environments, these Wildkin often struggle with the dimensions and structures of predominantly bipedal societies.
  • You possess an alternate lower body shape, making it difficult for you to traverse some structures set up for bipedal creatures, such as ladders and ropes. You might also struggle with things such as finding a comfortable bed, fitting through doorways, bumping your head into things and generally just being in the way at the DM’s discretion.
  • Any clothing or armor you wear will likely need to be adapted to your body type. This doesn’t necessarily mean it will be more expensive or heavier (though it very well might be depending on your size), but craftsmen in areas where people like you are rare might not have the training or expertise required to make something that fits you.
  • In return for this inconvenience you may take one of the following Wildkin Strain Abilities, without paying its SP cost: Aquatic Adaptation, Climbing Capability, Long-distance Runner, Sprinter.
  • Due to the added stability which the addition or absence of legs provides you also have advantage on all ability checks and saving throws against being knocked prone.
  • Keen Senses: (1 SP; can be taken multiple times)

  • Prerequisites: minimum +2 Wisdom from Strain, Class and Background
  • An ability very widespread under many species of Wildkin. These individuals possess one or multiple senses which allow them to be much more attuned to their surroundings.
  • you gain proficiency in the Perception skill, if you already have it you gain expertise instead.
  • Choose hearing, sight or smell. You gain advantage on all perception checks relying on that sense.
  • Second Sight: (1 SP)

  • Prerequisites: Keen Senses(smell) OR Keen Senses(hearing)
  • For some Wildkin though that is not enough, as they have developed the ability to precisely pinpoint creatures around them by scent or sound alone. Be it through the smell of blood in wounded prey, hearing the heartbeat of living creatures or any other means.
  • You gain Blindsight out to a range of 30ft., as your Keen Sense (smell or hearing) is not impeded.
  • Nighttime Adaptation: (2 SP or 3 SP)

    Some Wildkin have developed the ability to see in total darkness.
  • You gain Darkvision out to a range of 60ft., or 120ft. if you spend 3 SP on this ability.
  • Venomous: (1 SP)

  • Prerequisites: The Natural Weapons Strain Ability or some other natural weapon.
  • Some Wildkin have developed the ability to produce a potent venom somewhere in their body, delivering it to their prey with fangs, stinger claws or some other type of natural weapon. This ability rarely manifests in mammalian and avian species, but is quite common among insectoids and reptilians.
  • Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a melee attack using your natural weapons, you can spend one of your Hit Dice to have that creature roll a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + proficiency + CON modifier). On a failed save the creature takes 2d8 + your CON modifier in poison damage and has the poisoned condition until the end of your next turn. On a successful save the creature takes half damage and isn't poisoned.
  • You can increase the damage of the poison by spending 1 additional hit dice per additional damage die. If you spend 4 or more hit dice on a single dose, you may increase the duration of the poison to 1 minute (the target may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success). If you spend 8 or more hit dice on a single dose, you may increase the duration to 10 minutes (same as 1 minute).
  • Enhanced Venom: (1 SP; can be taken twice)

  • Prerequisites: The Venomous Strain ability.
  • A rare subset of these Wildkin has developed a natural venom potent enough to cause harm even to those which would usually be unaffected by it.
  • The damage die of your Venom increases by 1 stage, to a maximum of 1d12.
  • If this ability causes your Venom's damage die to increase to a d12, you also ignore any resistances of the target to your venom, and treat immunities as if they were resistances.
  • Versatile Venom: (2 SP)

  • Prerequisites: The Venomous Strain Ability.
  • Beyond being lethal though, the poison of some Wildkin can have a variety of other debilitating effects.
  • When you deliver your Venom, you may spend an amount of Hit Dice to grant it additional debilitating properties. These effects only last as long as the Venom itself lasts, and end as soon as the creature succeeds on the Venom's saving throw. The creature may:
  • For 1 Hit Die: lose 10ft. of Movement or become deafened
  • For 2 Hit Dice: lose 15ft. of Movement or become frightened
  • For 3 Hit Dice: become restrained or become blinded
  • For 4 Hit Dice: become stunned or gain disadvantage on mental saving throws
  • For 5 Hit Dice: become paralyzed
  • Lasting Potency: (1 SP)

  • Prerequisites: The Venomous Strain Ability.
  • While the venom of most Wildkin loses its potency soon after leaving their body, this isn’t always the case. These Wildkin possess a venom that can keep its potency long enough to be usable as a coating for other weapons, such as spears and arrows, though it still doesn’t last forever.
  • At any time as an action you may fill a vial or other container with a dose of your venom. To do so you spend Hit Dice as if you had hit a creature, deciding the potency and effects of the poison.
  • You may spend a bonus action to coat a weapon or piece of ammunition with the poison and deliver it to the next creature you hit with it. Alternatively, you may feed it to a creature or use it in any other way one might deliver a poison to achieve the same effect.
  • The poison keeps its potency until the end of your next long rest, at which point it becomes inert.
  • Beast Speech: (1 SP or 2 SP)

    A rare ability that sometimes manifests in certain types of Wildkin is the ability to, albeit in a limited manner, communicate with beasts. It is Believed by some to be a divine blessing, while others claim it to be a vestige of the time when Wildkin themselves were just regular beasts. Whatever it is, it can be useful from time to time, though one should not expect too much from animals.
  • You can spend an action in order to focus your mind on a single beast you wish to converse with (similar to how one would concentrate on a spell), allowing you to understand roughly what it is saying and speak to it in return. To maintain a conversation you have to spend your action on subsequent turns, and end it at any time at will.
  • Alternatively you can spend 2 SP on this ability to make it permanent, meaning you don’t have to spend actions or maintain focus, though this also means that you hear what animals are saying whether you want them to or not, no off switch.
  • Mimicry: (1 SP)

    Some Wildkin have developed the ability to mimic a wide variety of sounds they have heard, most often as a way to attract prey, though it can also serve as a special way of communication. This trait is most common amongst the Ravenfolk native to the lands south of The Azor Mountains.
  • You have advantage on all skill checks you make to mimic sounds or impersonate voices you have heard in the past, provided you actually remember them.

    General Strain Abilities:

    These abilities are available to all Strains.  

    Potential: (2 SP; Can be taken multiple times)

  • Increase 1 of your ability Scores by 1 to a maximum of 20.
  • Experience: (1 SP; Can be taken multiple times)

  • Gain proficiency in 1 skill, tool or language, or expertise in a skill or tool you already have proficiency in.

  • Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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