
The Free Cities of Velavastok are a conglomerate of city states, predominantly located on the northern coast of The Emerald Sea. It is a nation predominantly populated by Nayavela Elves (see: The Elven Strain), and has only properly existed in its current state for about 14 years. Before this, Velavastok used to be part of The Astarojna Dominion, though it seceded in a mostly nonviolent uprising due to the continued absence of The Queen Eternal Zaras Astarojna, their rightful sovereign.
Just like Astarojna, Velavastok is a nation predominantly populated by Nayavela, with the vast majority of its population practicing The Satuva.
While not quite as isolated as the polity from which it originated, Velavastok still finds itself in a position of little relevance to most of Kashura. Most of its interactions are with the remnants of The Draconid Empire, The newly founded Amaraki Republic (see: The Draconid Empire ) and the few merchants and travelers that make the journey over The Wounded Pass.   Some people, especially in The Draconid Empire, claim that Velavastok plans to consolidate full control over The Emerald Sea, and that it was only with their support that The Amaraki Republic could free itself from the yoke of Sacromas (see: The Draconid Empire ).  


The territorial claims of Velavastok reach from The Worldspine in the west to The Ardis Heights in the east, and from The Devoj Wilderness in the north to The Emerald Sea in the south. Velavastok also lays claim to most of the waters of The Emerald Sea, claims which are, as of now at least, uncontested by its neighbours.
Finally, the port city of Morapol, located on a small island east of The Devoj Wilderness is also part of The Free Cities, though it mostly serves as a tradepost for merchants and travelers coming to and from The Astarojna Dominion.  


The Capital of Velavastok is also its largest city: Novograd, which serves as the state's administrative center. It is here where The Vladyvas, more commonly known as The General Assembly convenes if it is necessary. The Vladyvas is the central government of Velavastok and consists of representatives of major cities elected by their populace, with larger cities having more representatives. Outside of issues of national importance, the individual cities mostly govern themselves. Should such issues arise though The Vladyvas convenes.  


While the territories which nowadays make up The Free Cities of Velavastok have been inhabited by The Nayavela for hundreds of years, the history of Velavostok is still relatively young.
Around 18 pSF, Velavastok broke away from The Astarojna Dominion, due to the continued absence of The Queen Reborn. Not content to be ruled over by any outside ruler other than her, Velavastok rebelled in what many presumed would be a bloody conflict, though the at the time ruler of Astarojna, Stanis Ambroja, did not wish to see his people bleed, and let them secede without a fight.
Perhaps because of this, relations between The Dominion and Velavastok are still cordial, and the two regularly engage in diplomatic talks, trade deals and on occasion even collaborate on military incursions into The Devoj Wilderness.
Ever since its inception Velavastok has attempted to further expand its influence over its surrounding territories, first amongst them The Emerald Sea, and establish itself on the world stage. It’s last act, which by some could be seen as an expansionary power grab, is Velavastoks support of The Amaraki Republic (see: The Draconid Empire ), as an alliance with them all but guarantees their control over The Emerald Sea.  

Culture & Society:

As a nation founded by the Nayavela, the culture of Velavastok is very much a product of their beliefs, history and philosophy:  

Anti-Religious Zeal:

As a state built atop the principles of The Satuva, Velavastok is a place naturally suspicious of religious activity of any kind. While not all religions are outright banned, their practice is still heavily stigmatized, as is the construction of houses of worship, the holding of public sermons and similar acts.
Far from being an intolerant doctrine preached from above though, this anti-religious Zeal is commonplace in almost every part of society, and while the severity might vary, one will be hard-pressed to find a friend of the faiths here. Clerics, the most dedicated servants of the divine, are therefore almost unheard of within Velavastok and even Paladins, even though they are not necessarily servants to divine masters, are a lot less common than in other parts of the world.
Those few that do exist however are part of one of The Kizrak Orders, small militant communities focused on cultivating the strongest and most disciplined warriors of the entire State. The Kizrak of Velavastok often undertake pilgrimages and missions to far away lands in an effort to convert others to their cause.  

Cast of your Chains!:

While the absence of The Queen Reborn was the predominant pain point which led to Velavastoks secession, it was not the only one. While tolerable under her rule, the presence of noble houses and different social strata which had emerged within the heartlands of Astarojna over the past centuries became intolerable without The Queen's oversight, and as such, a rather radical branch from The Satuvan family of beliefs took hold of Velavastok:
Was it not the teachings of The Satuva that elevated all mortals above the divine? And if so, did not every mortal deserve to be the master of their own destiny, not shackled to rigid social castes? Was it not our ancestors that burned down the first of the elder trees, which proclaimed a world without gods and masters?   It is from these beliefs that the philosophical basis of The Free Cities of Velavastok was formed. A society without nobles and peasants, which did not only deny, but reject the very notion of class differences. While Velavastok has tried to spread its ideas and ideals to other parts of the world, the populace of other realms has so far been slow to accept their destiny. The only place where their beliefs have found any serious support so far is The Amaraki Republic to its south.  

Laws & Institutions:

The Laws around Kashura generally don’t vary all that much from one another, murder and theft is pretty much illegal everywhere for instance, this section will therefore focus only on the noteworthy:

Righteous Unbelief:

While its laws are largely based on those of The Astarojna Dominion, there are some more or less subtle differences. One of the most notable though is the severity with which Velavostok rejects the very notion of subservience to higher powers. After all, how can us mortals create a society of true equality, while some of us still kneel before the ethereal and otherworldly?
Ironically, due to this stigma, religious folk are often treated as second-class citizens in Velavastok, somewhat defeating the point of a nation built on the principles of “equality and brotherhood”.
Furthermore, while slavery is technically illegal and a grave crime in Velavastok, the same protections are not extended towards the religious.  

Major Settlements:

Novograd - Literally translating to “New City”, Novograd is the first major city in the southern devoj wilderness and de-facto capital of Velavastok. It is located on the northern shores of The Gulf of Vos, and is currently home to roughly 30.000 people, most of them Nayavela Elves, though there is also a sizable Draconid minority.   Kerel - Is the third major trade port of Velavastok, though it is often dwarfed by the much larger cities of Novograd and Zaropol. Its main industries are farming and fishing, though it also receives some traffic from being a convenient stop of the land route between Novograd and Velavastoks western inland cities. As of 32 SF, Kerel is home to roughly 8000 people, most of them being either Nayavela or another variety of Elf.   Zaropol - Literally translating to “Haven of Zaras”, Zaropol is a major trading port of Velavastok, and its gate to the west of Kashura. Most travelers coming over The Wounded Pass travel here first, resulting in a melting pot of various different cultures and practices not seen anywhere else in Velavastok. Being located on the shores of The Gulf of Kyne also means that the city has ready access to the cavernous underwater cave systems of the region, which are rich in both gold and emeralds. As of 32 SF, Zaropol is home to roughly 20.000 people, half of them being Nayavela Elves, a quarter being Draconids, and the rest being split between other Strains and Elven varieties.   Vysigrad - Being nested into the Ardis Valley just below The Ardis Heights to its east, Vysigrad is the industrial powerhouse of Velavastok, home to its most skilled and renowned craftsmen. As of 32 SF, the city is home to roughly 10.000 people, most of them being Nayavela Elves, though there are also sizable Draconid and Hominid minorities.   Morapol - Both the oldest and least populated major settlement of Velavastok, Morapol is an exclave located on a small island just off the eastern coast of The Devoj Wilderness. It nowadays mostly visited due to being the only major settlement between The Astarojna Dominion and Velavastok, and therefore is a notable trade post, despite its comparatively small size. As of 32 SF, Morapol is home to around 1.500 people, almost all of them Nayavela Elves.   Sarakusk - Is a major mining city of Velavastok, supplying most of the polities copper, which is mined from The Worldspine to its west. As of 32 SF, Sarakusk is home to around 7.000 people, most of them being Nayavela or some other variety of Elf.   Seversnost - As a Fortress city on the north of The Krev River, Seversnost fills a vital role for both offensive and defensive military operations: Protecting the cities to its south from any potential attacks from The Devoj Wilderness, as well as serving as the main staging grounds for invasions into the untamed Wilds. Seversnost is also the main site for training the militias of Velavastok, and boasts an unusually high concentration of Kizrak Orders. It would probably be no overstatement that half of the city's 5.000 people serve a military role in one way or another. Seversnost is almost exclusively inhabited by Nayavela Elves.   Zelena - Located right in the center between Sarakusk, Seversnost and Kerel, Zelena is a major part of Velavastoks land-based trade and supply network, serving as a lynchpin connecting the more remote parts of the nation with one another. Zelena is also located in the north of The Elderblood Hills, and therefore also houses more than a couple scholars, adventurers and thrill seekers looking to explore the ancient Vysovela (see: The Elven Strain ) ruins that dot the landscape. As of 32 SF, Zelena is home to 4.000 people, most of them being Nayavela or some other variety of Elf.

The Free Cities of Velavastok



Region: Far North-East - The Devoj Wilderness  


Population: ~410.000 people
Strains: Elves (Nayavela) ~70%, Elves (Other) ~18%, Draconids ~7%, Other ~5%
Religion: The Satuva  


Government: democratic
Ruler: The Vladyvas
Influence: minor  


50 copper seronik = 1 silver brianik
25 silver brianik = 1 gold astaronik

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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