Common Brown Halau

"Oh, Grandmother feeds the halau at the same time every day. They know when to come, and will emerge from all the stoves and crevices to gather around her apartment steps. Then she feeds them for a hour until they disperse, but it's impossible to get in or out of her apartment block in the mean time."
— A Nymauti Demon
The Common Brown Halau (halau (/ˈhalau̯/) meaning 'lizard' in Nymauti) is a common species of small lizard found in The Underworld. They are known for their chunky appearance and ease of ownership.

Rats of the Underworld


The common brown halau lives a average of 5 to 10 years, but has been known to live longer in captivity. Their flat, thick bodies are usually covered in brown-red scales, sometimes ranging into deep reds in more 'domesticated' lines. Their body is incredibly heat resistant, and it isn't uncommon to find these halau basking on top of rocks next to open magma vents, or inside of Nymauti fireplaces and stoves. They reproduce nearly every year, and lay clutches of 4-6 eggs.
Common brown halau are omnivores, usually eating insects and Underworld fruits, but are also known for eating grain and other small animals when presented the opportunity. They respond to danger by often fleeing into spaces that might be too hot for other creatures fo follow, or hissing and inflating their neck and sides to appear bigger when unable to escape. Their small, needle-like teeth can draw blood, but the common brown halau's lack of jaw strength leaves their bite severely lacking.


The common brown halau is one of the most abundant animals in the Underworld, and can be found in plentiful numbers both in and out of occupied caverns. They usually gather around areas of active magma vents or other areas where Underworld plants might thrive, but can be found skittering in cooler, quieter tunnels as well. They are known for being particularly adept at seeking out new habitats and places of resource.
In Nymaut cities, the common brown halau is treated adjacent to pigeons. Some Nymauti might consider them abundant pests, but they are accepted parts of the scenery.

Hell's Easiest Pet

In Nymauti Society

It isn't uncommon to find people feeding large swarms of common brown halau in Nymauti cities, nor is it uncommon to find them as household or court pets. Easy to care for with mild, amenable tempers, the common brown halau is the foremost pet in the Underworld. Most owners let them wander their neighborhood courtyard with other halau, domestic and wild, as fed halau are quick to return to where they know they are safe and fed. Almost all Nymauti Demon courts and squares have a roving band of pet halau, who may be owned by individuals or seen as a community pet as a whole. In some cases, they are known to be eaten, but many Nymauti cities frown on that.

As Pets

Common brown halau are docile and well-mannered pets, known for being rather fond of handling. They are sturdy and are unbothered by roughness or events that might harm other lizards of their size, and are surprisingly tolerant to rough handling from children (not without puffing up sometimes of course). Their wide diet makes them easy to feed, and they are self-sufficient should a feeding be missed. They are known for being surprisingly cuddly, especially to races with warmer blood. While capable of surviving on the surface, they do not fair well in sunlight or without high heat, low humidity environments.
In most surface countries or even many shallower Underground countries, common brown halau are illegal to keep as pets, or require a permit to own.
5-10 years
Average Weight
1.8 - 2.5 lbs.
Average Length
12 - 18 inch.
Geographic Distribution


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