Evermore (Common; /ˈɛvəˈmɔː/)

The Reaper

When at last all is silent
They stand before you.
  Evermore is the Common God of Death & the Afterlife, often associated with the Riunivarmen Pantheon. Evermore is said to appear at the end of the life of every mortal and immortal alike to shepard their soul to whatever waits beyond. 



Evermore appears as a gaunt, dusky-skinned humanoid covered in stitches as a tattered robe. Their mouth is stitched shut, and bandages cover their eyes. A broken halo hangs over their head in which a eerie green mist is said to flow, and from their back grows a pair of fleshy wings covered in eyes. They are never seen without their three-bladed scythe, which it is said they use to cut souls from their bodies.

Powers & Domain

Evermore has absolute power over death and souls. They are said to appear to everyone at their time of death, including divine and powerful beings. Legends and tales tell of beings who have tried to fight Evermore to avoid death, and none have said to have won against them. When a beings time comes, Evermore appears to take them to whatever waits beyond - whether they are ready or like it. Their scythe is said to be able to kill any being with as much as a brush from its silvery blades, though Evermore is not known to act on its own volition or appear much outside of reaping the souls of those who have already died.


It is unknown where Evermore came from or when the came into existence. They are known to have been one of the original gods at themeeting of the gods, though it is unknown what role they played in the creation of the worlds besides potential ties to the afterlife. They are thought to be the sibling of Ciurte, though neither being confirms or denies this.
Evermore has otherwise been around since the start of the world, unwavering in their job to reap and ferry souls to the afterlife. While a great many tales mention Evermore, they are never the main actor, nor do they ever show any will of their own or act on their own volition.

Religion & Dogma

Common Pantheon

Evermore is most widely followed in the Common pantheon. Those who follow Evermore in the common pantheon see them as a steward for the inevitable end in which all things must someday undertake - god and mortal alike. Followers of Evermore serve often as people who care for the dead and dying in various stages - priests, gravekeepers, morticians, and sometimes even healers and the likes. They believe that someday, everyone will meet Evermore - and while paying homage to them or not makes no difference, there is no need to spite the end. They believe in making comforts for both the living and dead, allowing ease of passage for both the deceased and those who outlived them.
The closest followers of Evermore are said to get instructions from the Reaper itself, but many outside of the religion do not believe this. Followers describe it as a intention more than a worded instruction, but still insist that Evermore is more than a mindless automaton - and may be, in fact, the only being who truly acts without selfishness.

Riunivarmen Pantheon

Evermore is less worshipped under the Riunivarmen pantheon, but due to their perceived connection to their chief deity, is included all the same. They are thought to take the souls after Ciurte judges them, their fates after death decided on what the God of Judgement decides of them. As such, Evermore is often given tribute as the executor of Ciurte's will and judgement, and this is often the Riunivarmen explination to Evermore's otherwise lack of personal will or opinion. Evermore is considered a extension of Ciurte than a true sibling as some outside the religion might say.

Outlaw & Banning

While generally accepted as a member of the common pantheon with acceptable worshipping practices, some countries and areas ban their worship. They consider worship of the god of death a sign of bad intentions, or something that could potentially lead to misfortune. Some locales even go as far as to consider Evermore a malicious entity who feeds on the souls they reap, or are generally the cause of death - without them, there would be no death at all.


  • Ciurte - "Sibling"
  • Ciurte is not, in fact, Evermore's sibling at all - though by technicality, Eiylsweir would have been it. Evermore bides its time with Ciurte, acting its perceived roll as Ciurte's red right hand. While Ciurte has a inkling that Evermore is much more than it lets on, he continues to assume that Evermore has few if any thoughts and plans - let alone thoughst and plans of murdering him when the time is right.
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Artifacts, Etc.

  • End - Scythe
  • End is a three-bladed scythe made of silver and a pole of ebony wood. Engraved in the metal is the effigy of a raven, who's beak sits on the top of the first blade. It is said that anyone or anything that comes into contact with any part of the blades dies instantly. This weapon is used more metaphorically then literally, though legends tell of greedy beings who try to cheat death who meet the business end of the scythe before the night is over. 
    It has never been seen outside of Evermore's hands.
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  • Evermore is, in fact, sentient and capable of its own will - but for the sake of the balance of the world, it rarely acts in any way that would contradict the robot-like personality others associate with it.
"Until your heart turns to dust,
Closing in towards the moon’s halo.
Leading you by the hand,
Silently to sleep."
Divine Rank:
Death & the Afterlife
Divine Classification
Greater God
True Neutral
Current Status
Date of Birth
Aligned Organization


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