Ciurte (Riunivarmen; /ʧuʁt/, "Judge")


"What do you suppose his judgement would come up as, if he were to judge himself? Does he see his actions just? Or does he know he's as corrupted as we know him to be?"
Quede, the Silver-Tongued
  The chief god of the Riunivarmen Pantheon and the God of Judgement and Balance, Ciurte is associated with being the creator of the high elves and the executor of absolute judgement. One of the most powerful greater gods, he sits as one of the heads of the Aanrah pantheon as a whole. He is the consort of Norve.



Ciurte often appears and is depicted as tall, thin humanoid with pitch black skin and large claws, usually wearing formal Riunivarmen bishop robes. A great scale made of gold hangs on his back, its pin centered in the middle of his chest. From each arm hangs a dish made of crystal, in which a blue and red flame sit. His mouth is stitched closed, and a gold visor covers his eyes. Despite his distinctly non-high elven appearence, he is considered a high elf.


Ciurte is no-nonsense and stifflingly serious. His presense and manner of talking and acting can come across as oppressive or even somewhat aggressive. He leaves no room for foolishness or mistakes, and as is his nature, is violently jugemental. His position in both pantheons has left him with a serious superiority complex and a hatred for those who do not bow to his will.

Powers & Domain

Ciurte is able to cast absolute judgement over anyone who stands before him, and the sentence of said judgement is ultimately up to his discretion. Any judgement that escapes his lips is truth, and cannot be fought against. He is said to be able to tip the scales of things back into balance as well, allowing him to prevent other powers from getting ahead of one another - including preventing others from otherwising usurping him. 


As It Is Remembered

Ciurte was one of the gods at the start of the world and the meeting of the gods.He is said to have helped to direct and the other gods in shaping and creating the world, ultimately creating the high elves for himself to help keep the world in balance when it all began. He serves as one of the leading powers and voices among the gods of Aanrah as a whole, and as the chief god of the Riunivarmen pantheon.

As It Truly Is

Ciurte was, originally, a weak deity that came in towards the tale end of the world's creation. His original name now long forgotten, Ciurte did not have any hand in creating the world - in fact, few even noticed he existed. Watching from the edges of reality as it was known, Ciurte grew jealous of Eiylsweir in particular. He coveted the attention and praise Eiylsweir got from his peers, and the love and affection he got from Norve. Seeing Eiylsweir's bad habit of making gambles, Ciurte devised a plan to take over Eiylsweir's spot by getting him to agree to a carefully-worded gamble. When Eiylsweir lost his gamble, Ciurte used the chance to essentially become Eiylsweir, taking everything he'd made for himself - and then to attempt to write Eiylsweir out of existence. His plan, for the most part, succeeded - not even Norve knew that her husband had been replaced with a entierly different being, and even though a few powerful beings like Kht'oth and Emrul were distinctly aware that something had changed, they were unable to pinpoint what.
However, Eiylsweir was not written out of existence. He clung to it, helped slightly in part by Evermore, becoming the Ungod. Though he couldn't remember who or what  he had been, Eiylsweir remained aware that he was not right, and things were not as they should be. Ciurte remains the only being capable of remembering what had happened, though Evermore clings to the ilking that Ciurte has done something wrong. 

Religion & Dogma

Riunivarmen Pantheon

Ciurte is the chief god of the Riunivarmen pantheon and, as such, one of the most widely worshipped. His highest priest is considered the lead priest of all others, regardless of their standing, and in some countries like The Holy Kingdom of Io his head priest is considered the country leader. His priests and clerics can be found at most levels of government in many Riunivarmen societies, and most civilians worship him and keep altars to him within their homes.

Common Pantheon

In the Common pantheon, Ciurte's followers are still many, but tend to be more limited to those in government and judicial positions. Shrines and altars to Ciurte are common in courthouses and other places of judgement, and judges are required to vow to him before judgement.

Artifacts, Etc.





Mistress (Vital)

Towards Ciurte




Consort (Vital)

Towards Roncte




Close allies turned secret lovers, Roncte and Ciurte keep their affair to extreme secrecy. Though they have had several children out of it, nobody dares to point it out or question it. Roncte admires and adores Ciurte, believing he deserves everything as their creator god. Ciurte holds less affection towards her, though it is difficult to tell. Like Norve, he easily grows bored of their relationship, though his boredom with her has not turned to spite like it has with his actual wife.


Husband (Vital)

Towards Norve




Wife (Vital)

Towards Ciurte




One of the original reasons Ciurte wished to play Eiylsweir out of his power, Ciurte once coveted Norve - and rather quickly grew bored of her. Norve has had a sneaking suspicion of his disinterest, but their position as faithful husband and wife at the top of their pantheon has made it impossible for her to question it or step away. Norve has held her hopes that Ciurte will give her children someday, though Cirute has no interest - less now that she's had kids with others, regardless of the background behind those. Norve is in denial of Ciurte's infidelity, despite Quede's efforts.


Consort (Vital)

Towards Lio




Mistress (Vital)

Towards Ciurte




Lio is another mistress of Ciurte's, though none of their offspring have survived long enough to raise many questions. Lio serves Ciurte dutifully and faithfully, and though she feels guilty about being with Ciurte behind Norve's back, she has no qualms with trying to steal him from Roncte. Like Roncte, Ciurte is not as interested in her as she is in him, but continues to tolerate her and show interest in her from time to time.


Superior (Vital)

Towards Flol




Subordinate (Vital)

Towards Ciurte




Flol is one of Ciurte's lead subordinates, and one of his most trusted with plans and information. Flol follows Ciurte's orders dilligently and without hesitation, trusting him implicetly. His blind subservience is one of the few traits Ciurte likes about him.


Superior (Important)

Towards Sete Levom



Sete Levom

Subordinate (Vital)

Towards Ciurte




Ciurte is considered Sete's superior in the Light side of the Riunivarmen pantheon. That said, the two despise each other despite acting proffessional and cordial around each other. Ciurte hates Sete for daring to try to sneak into Norve's bed behind his back, knowing full well what he's up to and that the two of them have a child. Sete hates Ciurte for his treatment of Norve and his lies to her, and thinks he's a corrupt leader. The two maintain face around others, but don't hesitate to show each other their hatred in private.


Enemy (Important)

Towards Cremioque Levom



Cremioque Levom

Enemy (Important)

Towards Ciurte




Cremioque and Ciurte are enemies, both due to being on different sides of the pantheon and due to Cremioque's meddling in his marriage with Norve. Ciurte loathes having trusted Cremioque at one point and that trust leading to Norve's first child, and hates him more for aiding the other Dark pantheon members with finding and killing Ciurte's own offspring. Cremioque enjoys Ciurte's suffering, and hopes to someday ursurp him. He thinks Ciurte's hold on his pantheon is crumbling, and fully intends on taking advantage of it.


Enemy (Vital)

Towards Quede




Enemy (Vital)

Towards Ciurte




Ciurte seeks Quede's destruction more with each passing day. Though Quede has always been a enemy of Ciurte's on account of their pantheon positions, Quede's interference with his marriage to Norve and Quede's meddling in the pantheon stability has Ciurte angry and on edge. Quede, despite always disliking Ciurte out of nature, has grown to loathe him more over his treatment of Norve.

"Initium sapientiae cognitio sui ipsius.
Respice post te!
Mortalem te esse memento!"
Divine Rank:
Judgement & Balance
Divine Classification
Greater God
True Neutral (Neutral Evil)
Current Status
Date of Birth
Roncte (Mistress)
Norve (Wife)
Lio (Mistress)
Aligned Organization
Related Plots


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