High Elf

The creation of high elves is credited to the god Ciurte, who all high elves pay tribute to. They are known for being one of the longer-lived and prosperous races on Aanrah.

The Goat Elves


High elves usually stand between 5'6" and 7', with males being much taller than females. They usually come in two distinct ethnic groups - eastern and western. Eastern high elves typically have pale and fair skin and blond to light brown hair, with sheep-like ears and green or blue eyes. Western high elves typically have more tanned skin, with brown to black hair, droopy goat-like ears, and brown or hazel eyes.

Age & Reproduction

High elves are fairly long-lived and have a average lifespan of 600 years, reaching their juvenile age around 40, adulthood around 60, and old age around 400.
High elves usually have one offspring per pregnancy, though twins and triplets are as common in high elves as they are in humans. High elf hybrids are most commonly found with other elves, but are sometimes seen in the more shortly-lived world-born species like humans.

General Culture

High elves are usually a part of the Riunivarme culture. They are known for typically being very religious, and commonly somewhat prudish. They are seen by other races as very orgnaized and close to follow the rules, with some of the most tightly-run religious and government systems. They earn a reputation for being rather full of themselves, and often considering themselves better than other races.
High elves are widly accepted in other cultures, though they frequently rub certain other cultures wrong.


High elves are capable of inherent magic, typically leaning towards 'light' and 'positive' magic or 'dark' and 'negative' magic.
600 years
Average Height
5'6" - 7'
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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