The Northern Kingdom

"This land has always been a dire one - a harsh, unforgiving land, unfit for the weak. Your ancestors have turned this land and its people into a machine of war, young Heliocene. Imprisoned to your will as I may be, I will ensure in your victory, and the glory of this miserable frozen country."
Ahundiirnliilul, Witch of the White Tree
The Northern Kingdom is one of the world's largest countries, located at the northernmost portion of the continent of Draakrahlr. A cold, harsh climate, the Northern Kingdom and its people struggle to make ends meet, and push ever forward into the conquest of the more temperate and bountiful land at their southern border.


The Northern Kingdom has always been a very conquest-driven country. Originally, its push for expansion was driven by a lack of resources in the frozen forests and tundras of the north - but the culture of war and conquest has become ingrained into its people. The people of the Northern Kingdom are deeply patriotic, often truly believing in their kingdom's superiority and right to neighboring territories. Jobs and life surrounding the eternal war engine of the Northern Kingdom are seen as noble lines of work and pursuits, and few trades exist without serving the military engine in some form.
Civilians tend to be suspicious and weary of non-humans, and tightly hold onto what they believe to be pure human culture and norms. Non-humans in the Northern Kingdom are few, and are treated as lower class citizens.

Demography and Population

A vast majority of the Northern Kingdom's population is humans, with a small minority of largely orcs and gnomes. The bulk of the country's population can be found in the southern stretches of the country, or along the south-facing shores. 
With a harsh climate, most of the population can be found in dense cities, but small villages and communities can be found spread out throughout the country's vast tundras and forests. Even in the furthest north, where nights and days can be long and the weather is unforgiving, small villages or even lone homesteads can be found.
Around 27% of the population is unemployed, ranking it as the 29th largest unemployment rate, and 35% of the population lives in poverty, ranking it as having the 10th highest poverty rate. About 70% of the popoulation is literate, ranking it as the 55th lowest literacy rate.
The Northern Kingdom has a lower-than-average average life expectancy, as a mix of harsh climates, high poverty rates, and heavy military deployment. The death rate is high, with malnutrition, hypothermia, disease, and military/combat-related deaths being the highest causes of mortality. Birth rates are not low, however, and most households have 3-4 children. It is not uncommon to lose a child or two in the Northern Kingdom, especially for those living in more remote villages or in the northern stretches of the kingdom.


The Northern Kingdom always has a very large and active military, which has kicked up in recnet times in preperation for conquest.
  They currently have a total military population of ~6,429,990 people, or 27.42% of their population - making their total military population the 13th largest by number and 3rd largest by percent. ~2,040,150 people make up its active military branch, or 8.7% of the population, giving it the 14th largest active military and 24th largest by percent. 
At any given time, the Northern Kingdom can muster up to ~11,764,865 people to serve, or about 50.17% of its total population, giving it the 17th largest possible military on Aanrah and the 11th largest by percent. Every adult male in the Northern Kingdom is required to have a weapon in their homes at all times.
Its military keeps modern equipment that its troops are trained well in, and keeps up with modern tactics and strategies. Their focus has always been on the offensive.


The Northern Kingdom follows the Common Pantheon. Religion is not seen as a major part of its culture. It is not frowned upon by any means, but much of its culture focuses elsewhere.

Foreign Relations

The Northern Kingdom is considered a threat by almost all of its neighbors. With active and known plans to expand southward, the Northern Kingdom is understandably considered a hostile force by those who will be in the kingdom's future warpath - and those who neighbor them and might be in the way in the distant future. Due to the size of its military however, and its neighbor's own problems, few stand any chance of pushing back or making demands with the Northern Kingdom.
The Northern Kingdom actively has its hand in Gusmuilor politics. Thaliadine extended and made a deal with the Gusmilor royal family's court wizard Sinvre Melcraft to assassinate the king and queen, putting their daughter Wenefrey Sunspire as an ineffective queen and largely puppet to Sinvre. The plan is for Sinvre and, by extension, Wenefrey to hand Gusmuilor over to the Northern Kingdom without conflict when the Northern Kingdom begins its push, giving them the ability to land fleets and troops to put The Republic of Cragwallow and Frostfever in a vice.
Frostfever actively antagonizes the Northern Kingdom, its despot ruler (you should probably actually make him a person) overconfident in his position given the age of the Northern Kingdom's ruler.
The Northern Kingdom is neutral with its western neighbor Lʼgugʼ, and allied with its eastern neighbor Cofrooct Szecr.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture in the Northern Kingdom is rough. Only the southern portions of the Northern Kingdom are any good for inustrial farming, or most normal farming in general, and up north only the most hardy of plants can deal with the poor climate. The southern region of the kingdom are used for majority agricultural purposes to help supply the rest of the country, which is pushed into overdrive in anticipation for military campaigns. Northen villages are largely depenant on their own farms, which makes food scarse and imports expensive. Many northern villages and towns rely heavily on hunting and fishing.
The Northern Kingdom's industries are largely geared towards the perpetual military engine. Arts and other trades that are 'less useful' for the military are seen as non-essential or even frowned upon. Metalsmithing and creation of other mass-produced military supplies make up the majority of jobs held by people in the Northern Kingdom, especially in cities.

Trade & Transport

The Northern Kingdom sees little outside trade given their open hostility with other nations. Their only active trading partner is Cofrooct Szecr, who largely supplies fish. Trade sometimes occurs with the merfolk of Lʼgugʼ.
Transportation is largely in the form of ships and wagons. Major roadways connect the larger cities and are upkept to accomodate marching troops and their supply chains. Smaller roads exist connecting to lesser populated villages, but tend to be less well maintained or not maintained at all, depending on how rural or northward the village is. Ships are more relied upon for traveling when possible.


Schooling is only offered consistently in cities, where school houses exist and it is expected that children attend. In the southern reaches of the Northern Kingdom, farming towns and villages may have a school house set up in their densest area of population, but not all children in the area may attend it. In rural an northern stretches, schooling falls to parents or other members in the community. As a result, the literacy rate in the Northern Kingdom is only 70%.
~23,450,000 (34th Largest)
Land Area
~134,000 sq/mi (2nd Largest)
Total Area
~370,000 sq/mi (5th Largest)
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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