
Humans are one of the most prevalent races on Aanrah, capable of being found all over the globe and even below its surface. Humans are well known for being able to fit into most other cultures and for being jacks-of-all-trades.

The Generalists


Humans stand typically between 5' and 6'5", with skin tones ranging from pale and fair to deep near-black browns. Humans have hair that ranges from blond to brown to black, with occasional red-browns. Their eye colors are usually browns, greys, greens, blues, or hazels. Humans on Aanrah do not differ physically than real humans do, and experience the same diversity as they do on Earth.

Age & Reproduction

Humans live to the average age of 80 on Aanrah, considered reaching their juvenile age around 14, adulthood around 20, and old age around 60.
Humans usually have one child per pregnancy, but twins, triplets, etc. are not impossible. Humans are known for being one of the most likely races to hybridize with others, though they are not inherently compatible with all races.

General Culture

Though often found throughout other cultures, humans typically are considered part of the 'human' culture or the Levnobliil culture, with another large population a part of the Drylvu culture. Humans are said to have originated on the continent Draakrahlr, but have since spread to every other continent. Humans are known for easily slotting in where needed, be it culturally, in a party, etc. Versatile and adaptable, humans have been known to thrive and expand at a rate unheard of by other races. Though not exceptionally amazing at any particular place, their survivability and ability to fit in makes them better at making it through difficult situations.
Humans are widely accepted in other cultures, and often meld right in.


Humans are quick to pick up skills, and have a wider ability to learn different skill sets than many other races.
80 years
Average Height
5' - 6'5"
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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