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Cragged Mountains

The Cragged Mountains are a mountain range that spans across the western region of Berghen. Many believe them to be created by the largest Earthen Riptide in Abadan history. The tallest mountain in the range, Mt. Stakaklose, is a wonder of the western region of Berghen. This mountain range is host to many beasts and animals from bears, wolves, goats, and elk among others. The beasts that roam the lower elevation on the mountains are Trolls, Oozes, Blood Hawks, Giant Falcon, and Whisper Vultures and others. The mid elevation on this mountain is as high as anyone has ever gone. Here there are Thunderbirds, Cave Giants, Trolls, Thundershrikes and others.


The Cragged Mountains are a perilous mountain range. No explorers have discovered a way over or through the range due to dangerous conditions. The mountains are steep and considered greater difficult terrain (-10 movement speed) with many narrow surfaces to potentially fall from. Freshwater streams are abundant throughout easier section of the mountains ans wel as hidden platuaes


Beasts and animals roam the treacherous peaks of the mountains. During the warmer months animals are more frequent and the beasts are not as frequent. During the colder months of Fall and Winter The mountains begin to freeze forcing animals down the mountain or into caves to hibernate. Fall and Winter bring out the beasts of the mountains whom terrorize any local fauna that did not retreat from the cold.

Ecosystem Cycles

During the Spring and Summer months many animals reside on the cragged mountains. Foxes, Goats, Bears, Elk, Rabbits, Mice and many more are common animals seen here. The trees that grow on the mountains maintain a dark shade of green leaves and thick rough bark that protects them during the cold months. Vegetation is thick and many different berries and fruits grow throughout.
During the Fall and Winter months most of the animals retreat down the mountain or hibernate to escape the cold. Dangerous beasts tend to roam the mountaintops during these months such as Cave Giants, Thunderbirds, Thundershrikes, and Trolls among other beasts. The trees leaves change to an icy blue color and vegetation dies off waiting for the warmer months to return.

Localized Phenomena

Mt. Stakaklose is a haven for lightning activity during storms probably due to its height.
Wandering Mist can cause those within it to wander aimlessly in the direction the mist travels.


The Cragged Mountains have varying climates that depend on the elevation. Some of the mountains are shorter and stay quite warm most of the year. Middle elevations tend to stay cooler most of the year and freezing after winter has begun. The highest elevations of the Cragged Mountains stay freezing most of the year with heavy snowfall during the winter months.

Fauna & Flora

Other Animals
Cave Giants
Other Beasts

Natural Resources

Common and Uncommon metals
Pine wood
Wild fruits and berries
Wild Game


The Cragged Mountains have had several adventuring parties explore their peaks and caves in search of a way to the other side. These parties have had no luck, most of them never returned from their journeys. Those that did return told of dangerous beasts dwelling in the caves and lower peaks of the mountains. They also told of phenomena that affects the human mind, they called it Wandering Mist. The mountains have been regarded as impassable due to the dangerous conditions while traveling over them.


Mt. Stakaklose is the tallest mountain within the Cragged Montains. It is one of Berghens wonders because the mountain appears to reach the cosmos. Although it is a wonder, Mt. Stakaklose is still dangerous because of terrain and local fauna.
Mountain Range
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