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Twin Falls

The Twin Falls is located at the base of the Northern Cragged Mountains. Two mighty waterfalls pour from a ledge into a flowing river below. At their base the waterfalls collide violently into a large cloud of mist that surrounds the area with a dense fog. This is one of Berghen's less habitable areas and is much more wild than where Berghest or Tartaran is located. The Forest is dense and difficult to move through with gnarly twisting vines groping at ankles with every step.   Before even the sound of the falls can be heard a fog from their violent collision sweeps through the forest. Within the fog predators have adapted to the low level of vision and use different senses to hunt their prey.


The Twin Falls run off the cragged mountains into a river that flows through a dense forest. Pine tree's of all sorts grow here reaching record heights. The crystal clear water is refreshing and full of minerals collected by runoff from the snowy peaks. The area is generous with hills, ravines and ledges that are difficult to spot in the fog from the falls.


Freshwater fish thrive in this river and reach enormous sizes due to the mineral rich water. The plants grow large and fast due to a greenhouse effect caused by the fog in the area. Pine trees grow large to reach above the fog for just a taste of sunlight at their crowns. Many different reptiles, fungus, insects and plants that thrive in humidity can be found living amongst the forest floor. Mephits, Oozes, bats and other creatures take to the sky or hang out in the canopies above waiting to pounce on unsuspecting prey.

Localized Phenomena

The twin falls during winter are quite a spectacle to behold. They appear frozen in time as the solid water grips the lakes surface from the ledges 1,000 feet above. The winter sun gives the thick ice a radiant shine that can be blinding if stared at for too long.


During the warmer months of the year this area is incredibly humid and often similar to a hothouse on a grand scale. When the temerature begins to cool the fog slowly disipates as the falls begin to freeze during winter. When the falls have frozen over the area become visible once again revealing a snow ladden forest shimmering in the winter sun.

Fauna & Flora

Many vines grow between the trunks of trees making it difficult to move through the terrain. Undergrowth is especially difficult to move through because of its large size.


Many adventurers tell tales of the twin falls and their beauty during the winter months. Only those brave enough to risk an encounter with the forest's denizens would dare attempt to seek the twin falls.
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