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Lands of Abolition

The Lands of Abolition are on the western side of Beerghen where the first settlers landed They began constructing their settlements soon after arriving. Tartaran and Berghest being the two most notable settlements. Although the Lands of Abolition are settled, they are still considered wild since civilization has not fully developed here.


Much of the Lands of Abolition are covered in plains. The far west is where the beaches of the region are located. Further inland is a long stretch of fertile plains that the settlers have taken to using for agriculture. The eastern section of this region consists of the forest at the base of the Cragged Mountains. Tartaris river runs through the Lands of Abolotion providing clean water to the inhabitants of Tartaran.


Lush green plains paint the geography of this region. Wildflower fields cover the plains inbetween settlements. Many different plant and animal life forms exist due to the abundance of resources the ecosystem relies on to thrive. Simple creatures such as wolves, elk, bear and more can be found here generally during the warmer months. When winter begins these animals become more infrequent due to either migrating south towards warmer temperature or hibernating to wait out the cold months. Wolves however, are constantly found in this region no matter the weather.

Ecosystem Cycles

Spring, Summer:
  • The ecosystem during these months are in their full growth cycle. Lush green plants with fruits, berries, and flowers grow all over the landscape. Some of these plants prefer the elevation near the Cragged Mountains while others prefer the lower warmer plains.
  • Fall:
  • During the fall months the flora begins to die off. Leaves will turn strange shades of yellow, orange, and red until they fall off and turn brown. Much of the vegetation all but disappears leaving sparse remnants from the prior months. Many of the animals become more active during these months due to preparing to migrate or hibernate.
  • Winter:
  • The winter months flora and fauna is less frequent. The trees near the plains lose their leaves while the trees near the mountains leaves turn a shade of icy blue. Vegetation shrinks back into the ground waiting for the warm weather to come bcak. Most animals are hibernating or have migrated south towards warmer weather. Although, the winter months bring new beasts to the land that prefer the cold climate.
  • Climate

    During the spring and summer months this region is subject to near perfect climate conditions. These climate conditions make for perfect agriculture and harvest. When fall months roll around the climate switches to rainy and foggy almost constantly. During winter the Lands of Abolition experience minor snowfall and freezing temperatures.

    Fauna & Flora

    Prairie Dog

    Natural Resources

    Red Oak
    Basic Metals
    Wild Game


    The Lands of Abolition have only been inhabited by settlers from Katatan since 5000 AC. Tartaris Stargazer led a fleet of ships escaping the war in Katatan and discovered Berghen. They beached their ships on the western side of the continent and immediately began plans for construction. With the basic building materials the settlers brought with them on their ships Berghest was the first settlement to start construction. Soon after Tartaris traveled south further inland where he began the development of Tartaran in 5020 AC. Aside from smaller villages that have begun developing over the years Tartaran and Berghest are the only completed towns on Berghen.


    Berghen is a safe haven for those escaping the war on their home continent Katatan.


    • Lands of Abolition

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