
Berb is an oceanic planet with dozens of large flying cities gliding over it's surface. The small pieces of solid land that occasionally break the surface of the ocean are all covered in heavy industry that keeps the cities afloat. The natives reside in flying cities instead of floating cities because the native ocean life is gargantuan and predatory.

The cities are mostly independent city states although there are three major alliances between city states. The Paragon Federation, The Coalition of Industry, & The Alliance of Silver.

The cybernetic industry on Berb is highly advance and commonplace. Nearly all citizens have at least some cyberware. Cyberware is seen as art as much or more than utilitarian tech and so has artistic flare. Given the large industry Cyberware is about half as expensive in Berb than normal.


The Paragon Federation

This group of city states is 5 members strong. They have a major focus on retaking the system outside of the planet. They control the majority of extra-planetary stations and Starships.

The Coalition of Industry

This group of city states is relatively small with only with only 3 members but they control the majority of the small industrial island on the planet. This gives them an enormous amount of power because those islands produce the components necessary for the flying cities to function.

The Alliance of Silver

This group of city states is 6 members strong making them the largest group on the planet. They currently have a focus on bringing independent city states under their banner. They have an ambition to eventually unite Berb entirely.

Atmosphere Breathable mix
Temperature Temperate
Biosphere Human-misciblel
Population Several million
Tech Level TL4
Location under
Sector Map

Cover image: by Nick Foreman
This article has no secrets.


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