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Goblinoid Legion



500 hobgoblins, 18 infantry, 4 scout cavalry, 1 seige equipment, 1 medical unit, 1 command
300 bugbears, 15 ambushers
800 goblins, 28 infantry, 5 goblin cavalry
100 wolves, 5 goblin mounts
80 worgs, 4 hobgoblin mounts
56 vultures
5 trolls
5 manticores
2 wyrmlings
  18 infantry = 5 trolls, 5 manticores, 2 wyrmlings, 3 ballistas, 1 mangonel, 4 infantry


3 ballistas
1 onagers
Manned by hobgoblins


Units of 20
Command; 1 warlord (sometimes a half-dragon), 19 nobles
Hobgoblin unit; 1 captain, 1 mage, 1 priest, 2 veterans, 15 hobgoblins
Hobgoblin scouts; 1 captain, 1 priest, 3 veterans, 15 hobgoblin scouts, 20 worgs
Siege Equipment; 3 ballistas, 1 onager, 5 hobgoblins/machine
Bugbear ambushers; 1 chief, 1 assassin, 1 druid, 2 berserkers, 15 bugbears
Goblin cavalry; 5 bosses, 15 goblins, 20 wolves
  Units of 25
Goblin vanguard; 5 bosses, 5 trappers, 15 goblins, 2 vultures


Goblin cannon fodder, trap setting, vultures kill downed foes
Hobgoblin ranged superiority, captain leadership when melee fighting begins (AoE attack/saving throw buff), ready actions for good shots
Scouts guard flanks
Manticores and wyrmlings provide aerial support
Trolls counter charge
Bugbears attack enemy supply chains
  Mage; defense (save slots; stay >30ft away, mage armor, shield, counterspell, misty step, invisibility), offense (cone of cold>ice storm/4th lvl fireball>fireball)
Priest; spirit guardians, spiritual weapon + sacred flame, cure wounds/guiding bolt/sanctuary, (divine eminence + attack if in melee)
Veteran; melee tanks (for martial advantage), spam dodge, use cover, shove to knock prone


Hobgoblins/wolves/worgs/vultures; martially trained from birth
Goblins/bugbears/trolls/manticores are mercenaries; trained through experience



500 hobgoblins, 2gp, 1000gp
300 bugbears, 3gp, 900gp
800 goblins, 2sp, 160gp
100 wolves, 2cp, 200cp
80 worgs, 5cp, 400cp
56 vultures, 2cp, 112cp
5 trolls, 40gp, 200gp
5 manticores, 40gp, 200gp
2 wyrmlings, 5gp, 10gp (bottlenecked by supply)
Total; 712c, 2470gp/day
Overall training Level

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