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Session 2 Employment and Adventure

General Summary

Locksher gnolmes has asked the party to breakfast (where?)
"I've been hired to investigate the death of a man on the road between Pustness and Heim yesterday. Do you know anything about this?
His fellow travellers are claiming you attacked them."
The ale merchants have told the guards that the party murdered one of their workers. He is curious, not condescending. Also mention zdeko, jura and mimmyra have work for them. Zdeko will also pay to fight goblins.
Then urban encounter (evil elemental priest), before letting them decide what to do   Wilderness
Farm - mini dungeon, goblin left wounded by his own trap
Tracking - animal/monstrosity encounter?
Two goblins on guard
Goblin hideout - dungeon, created by chaotic evil wizards to be a planar gate (elemental fire; smoke/magma mephit, magmin, fire snake), elementals only hostile if players can't help them return to their home plane
- abandoned due to plague, dark at first, unnatural fire near gate - outside; vulture pen + 2 goblins on guard (theatre of the mind, if they approached stealthily they have one surprise round to kill them - inside; 6 goblins, goblin boss, bugbear, hobgoblin + wolf pen
Zdeko aristocrat quest (Orivon sabotage rival, break into business or estate of an enemy noble family and undermine their political or professional ventures (noble from dusza undermining zdeko, evidence of zdeko's mistress?).
Perks, reimburses expenses, luxurious accommodations, minimum 1gp/day
Roles; cyrus/advisor, pip/bodyguard/messenger, renee/informant, stuart/bodyguard, yllaxina/informant/messenger

  Mimmyra guild quest; the collector, your guild must create or acquire something (Boots of Striding and Springing, made from dire wolf hide) wondrous for a wealthy, but secretive, client's collection (tiefling servant). The collector kidnaps failed guild members, trading them for more items to add to his collection.
Perks, guildhall accommodations (5sp/comfortable), requisition equipment (expertise with tools), locate exotic materials, downtime training
Roles; cyrus/researcher, pip/explorer/guard, renee/negotiator, stuart/guard, yllaxina/saboteur

  Jura criminal quest; acquire and retrieve, steal important documents (the golden road unfavourable trade agreement) or clear out locations for use as hideouts (sewers).
Perks, 85% cut from assignments, contraband shop, fences (buy art, stolen goods), safe houses (servant quarters)
Roles; cyrus/mastermind, pip/muscle/mole, renee/con artist, stuart/muscle/cleaner, yllaxina burglar

End of session; 100xp for being there, vote on inspiration (pip won last time), gold

Rewards Granted


Character(s) interacted with

Related Reports

Killed the goblins, wolves, and worg in the goblinoid hideout Goblin boss, hobgoblin and bugbear survived, they will flee to other tribes Elementals will now fill up the dungeon (1 spawned every hour (18 elementals)), and giant spiders?
Report Date
04 Jul 2021
Primary Location

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