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Session 7; Can't hold all this money! Carriage acquired

General Summary

7th day of summer, normal weather   Players will probably long rest then finish clearing Dread Pit. XPpp (adjusted for 5 players) wyvern, 460 10 skeletons, 250 2 ghouls, 120 2 shadows, 60 ogre zombie, 90 total; 980   Heim news; beginning of food shortages from goblin raids (food costs double)   Goblin gate 1 mile out will be aware of battle, githzerai monk on griffon will land and tell them of the planar invasion. The Gith and Goblinoids have contained the invasion for now but can't breach the inner defences and the enemy seems endless. Need a small force to sneak into the cave and close the planar gate, or help the battle, or get reinforcements.   (xp before adjustments) Battle outside goblin gate; 1800xp; friendly; 3 griffons, 2 gith monk, 1 gith zerth 1900 xp enemy of enemy; hobgoblin captain, 8 hobgoblins, 8 goblins 5400xp; fighting gith; 3 fire elementals 2400 xp; fighting goblins; salamander, 3 fire snakes   Inside goblin gate; The cave is very hot, CON minutes until 3 fire damage every minute, group nature check (DC12) to be aware of max 20 minute timer 900xp; 2 gargoyles guarding entrance 3600xp; 2 salamanders crafting tools (can be negotiated with to overthrow efreeti) 400xp; 4 magma mephits guarding mage efreeti is 10 turns away inside portal (10 turns for someone to get him, 10 for him to arrive)   Jenny is a deva in disguise, she will take her true form to fight the Efreeti (whilst the players close the gate)   Other to do; Goblinoid settlements
1. build goblinoid dungeons (abandoned mines, hobgoblin strongholds, war camps, raiding parties) 2. write a return letter to stuart, will reach Talios on the 8th evening   Player quest log; AT (aqueduct poison plot), deadline? Dire wolf, magic boots, strange collector, magic guild

Rewards Granted

yllaxina; one dragon skull (check creature loot for what it does) wyvern loot draft horse, horses, saddles, carriage boots of elvenkind

Missions/Quests Completed

Cleared Dread Pit

Character(s) interacted with

Stuart gave blacksmith the cursed mace   told eardbelm the dungeon is clear but there is a 2nd floor he will send brona (history), locksher (investigation) and minmyra (arcana) he tells them zdeko is feeling ill recently cyrus gave eardbelm (100gp, 300cp) which they want to spend on education (with temple of minerva) and a soup kitchen for the homeless   Blacksmith - Zela: Male Human Craftsman, Evil. Zela is fair in appearance, with tangled copper hair and bright brown eyes. He wears modest garments and several pouches hang from his belt. Zela secretly serves Lasya, an ancient god of trickery. Leatherworker - Mlanka: Female Human Craftsman, Evil. Mlanka has short copper hair and blue eyes. She wears well-made clothing and carries a long knife. Mlanka has a traumatic fear of crowds. Zela & Mlanka are married Gerey - carpenter Gilsi - woodcarver   -Stuart Stablemaster Bernardo Captain Ussot Caveheart   Stuart Crew; Brum and Grum - Dwarf Scouts Thunderer - Dwarf Berserker 4 Dwarf Soldier (mountain warriors) Eardbelm, irindel, eryn, grum   Stuart letter to Lazarus (carrier bird just got past the griffons and peryton Dear Lazarus The time has come my friend, to finish the ancient enemy of the Sojusz, the Vulture Blade. The goblin army descends upon the town of Heim, and will soon arrive at Galim. Our outposts situated throughout the Sojusz will be under permanent threat until the Vulture Blade is dealt with. My fellow companions are fairly competent, but I am not convinced they are enough to defeat this enemy.     I ask of you a favour, as my mentor and friend, to assist us in the battle against the Vulture Blade. He is situated in the north section of the mountains north of Vasiliades, and also poses a threat to our territory. However mighty we are, the foolish and idiotic goblins will surely attack our outposts and keeps in our land if the opportunity ever presented itself. We must neutralise them before they become a nuisance we don't want to have if we are to keep our incursions into Maudite lands going.     With your assistance, a swift and total victory shall be achieved, and one less annoyance shall plague our lands. I will light a beacon once we are close to the Vulture Blades hideout, and will patiently wait for your arrival, should you deem this cause worthy of your attention.     Whatever you decide, may your swords be sharp, and your battles glorious. Krew Bitwy, Krew Godnych Stuart

Created Content

Arios- muscular, red-eyes, black large warhorse   heim magic shop - scrolls, wands, robes, clothes, boots   wood elf teleportation circles   how to do permanent spells in DnD? cast same spell everyday for a year   Guard barracks (south-east of Heim)   Cyrus dream book (Foresight spell)

Related Reports

Cyrus, yllaxina and Renee got drunk at the guards barracks Renee gets too drunk and causes trouble, gets locked up until she sobers up, and talks to a dead female hill dwarf in the guard barracks


to do;
make goblin raids make horse tokens scale fire encounters for lvl 5, plan conversation with gith carriage looks like they're monster hunters or fortune tellers zdeko's illness
Report Date
08 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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