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  Immiogella is harvested for its roots which are then ground into a pulp. It's then combined with fine bandages that allow for good airflow, creating a useful poultice that greatly speeds up wound healing. It's become widely used by the armies of The Azeral Dynasty and it could be considered a trade commodity.

Basic Information


Immiogella is a short moss-like plant, with star-shaped micro leaves arranged in a sunburst pattern. Its leaves are a deep green with light blue petiolate that fade into a dark purple stem. Its root system fan out over large areas and generally stay close to the surface of the soil.

Growth Rate & Stages

The life cycle of Immiogella starts in the spring floods. The plant releases its seeds to be spread far and wide by the flow of water. Once the flooding has subsided the seed takes root. Soon crawling networks alongside seasonal floodways start to appear. As the plant matures the leaves start forming, soon forming a thick carpet of lush greenery. In late summer months usually during a full moon the plant flowers for only one night, emitting a dull glow when exposed to the moonlight.

Ecology and Habitats

Immiogella is found in wet damp environments. It forms protective matting along seasonal runoff areas, helping to reduce soil erosion. Many species of small forest animals use the developed leaves and stems of the plant for their winter dens as it provides a voluminous material perfect for insulation.

Biological Cycle

In colder climates the species enters a form of hibernation when it is covered in snow. Examples of the plant that are exposed to the harsh temperatures of winter most often die back. Early and late frosts often spell disaster for patches of Immiogella that aren't in more protected areas. In southern climates Immiogella is far more common, as the plant doesn't see the same amount of seasonal die-off.
Scientific Name
Bryophyta Takakia Immiogella
Geographic Distribution


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