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The Shadowvale is a dark reflection of the Zelwind and Aberiam's version of the dimension of Shadowfell. It was once part of Archefyre. Its structure as a dimension mirrors the Zelwind but it is far bleaker, it is a land of eternal Midnight with the whole plane illuminated by a moon which stands still in the sky, changing its phases as time progresses. Dead spirits which fail to pass from Aberiam are often caught in Shadowvale where they are brought to life as vengeful or wandering spirits. These spirits are dominated by the powerful Shadow Lords who mirror the role of Fey Lords.


The Shadowvale is a bleak realm with great stretched of wastes and dying forests. Its basic terrain mirrors the terrain of the Zelwind, however, there have been great changes in the terrain since the two planes diverged. The whole plane is covered in a dark miasma which is repelled by the wandering spirits on the plane, these spirits are collected by any creature which hopes to survive the plane.

Fauna & Flora

Undead and Spirits are the primary inhabitants of the Shadowvale with very few other creatures being able to survive on the plane. However, Drow and Duregar are known to make their homes near rifts into the Undercroft.
Alternative Name(s)
Dimensional plane


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