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Watersives, or Water Mages, are a kind of low-level mage proficient in the creation or purification of large quantities of water every day. In cities with low natural water supplies, Watersives help to keep the city growing and functional by providing the drinking and farming water they might otherwise lack. Typically, Watersives hold little sway but in the City of Haberbeem they've formed a political union which allows them to effectively hold the city hostage if certain demands aren't met. For this reason, Watersives have one of the highest standards of living out of anyone living in Haberbeem.



Watersives must be capable of casting a cantrip version of the spell Create Water or the spell Purify Water which is castable by either Sorcerors or Wizards.


Social Status

Watersives are often viewed with suspicion and mistrust by common folk as anyone who is willing to cause a draught for personal gain is not bound to be the most generous individual.
Raw Materials Gathering
Related Locations


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