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The exact mode of formation of Flamestone is not yet clear, but it is thought that it occurs as a result of chemical changes in compressed sedimentary rock formations during the process of diagenesis. One hypothesis is that a gelatinous material fills cavities in the sediment, such as holes bored by crustaceans or molluscs and that this becomes silicified. This hypothesis certainly explains the complex shapes of Flamestone nodules that are found. Certain types of Flamestone, such as that from the south counties of Erialla, contain trapped fossilised land flora. Pieces of vegetation have been found preserved inside the flint similar to insects and plant parts within amber. Thin slices of the stone often reveal this effect. The Flamestone from Celsa Ridge is found in many hues like red, green, pink, blue, white and grey, with the colour variations caused by magical exposureFlamestone can be coloured: sandy brown, medium to dark grey, black, reddish brown or an off-white grey. However the most common colour that Flamestone has been seen to be is a deep Crimson.  


  Flamestone was used in the manufacture of tools during the Founding Lands as it splits into thin, sharp splinters called flakes or flames (depending on the shape) when struck by another hard object. This process is referred to as knapping.   When struck against steel, a Flamestone has been known to create a large spew of flames in a chosen direction. The hard stone's edge shaves off a particle of the steel that exposes iron, which reacts with oxygen from the atmosphere and can ignite the proper tinder. It is often used by The Celestial Cavaliers to defend themselves against creatures who have no defence against the heat.   A later, major use of Flamestone and steel was in the Flintlock mechanism, used primarily in flintlock firearms, but also used on dedicated fire-starting tools. A piece of Flamestone held in the jaws of a spring-loaded hammer, when released by a trigger, strikes a hinged piece of steel at an angle, creating a shower of sparks and exposing a charge of priming powder. This powder amplifies the use of Flamestone to create a stronger wave of flames. It is preferred over a regular flint for flintlock in Erialla, as only the rich can afford weapons such as firearms, and can also afford copious amounts of Firestone too.  


  Flamestone is often used by followers of Sol in order to show devotion. This means that Erialla has a lot of allies that are followers of Sol. Erialla has made Millions of GP off of raw Flamestone Alone, and even more from fire based weapons and Arcane Focuses. Many of the trading halls in Erialla have Flamestone engraved in the secure areas, so the Guards could strike them and have fire-based defences against intruders/criminals.

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