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Magus Sylia's Miniature Home

"For safekeeping, for peace,"
- Engravings on the Puzzlebox
  Magus Sylia was once a powerful sorceress, revered across all of Aitso. Born in the harsh regions of Terio, she had escaped the land, and had wished to develop her arcane powers. Being a descendant of an archfey, her magical prowess was tied to the realms of the fey. This meant that travelling to Graceswift was at the top of her priorities. With the Fae-Prowling having not taken place, the region was filled in abundance with sprites and whimsical creatures. Journeying into the demiplanes that belonged to the fae was just as easy, as well. Sylia's journeys were mostly long-term expeditions, where she intended to go on adventures for months, or even years. Because of how erratic the demiplanes can be, supplies are crucial to take, when you get them. Some demiplanes may be overabudant in food, water, warmth, medicine, or other necesities, whereas other regions and demiplanes can be barren and dreadful to try and survive in. Sylia, in all of her wisdom, had come up with a solution, which had given her the rank of Magus. To create a home, a comfortable one, capable of holding spontaneous food. Sylia was a conjurer, and her miniature home held all of the wondrous items that'd be needed for travelling the Fae's Realms. Delicious food would be strewn out across a dining room, with kegs of water, and ale. The home was also fitted with bedrolls, mattresses, and hammocks, for when large parties needed to travel. One inclusion, made at a later point, was a collection of martial weapons. Sylia's travels into more dangerous regions meant that she may need to be more alert and capable of fending off monsters. 
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