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Fort Traggith

The Haven, For Those That Need Peace And Sanctuary

"Dear Traggith has, and always will be, kind to us all. Our deformities, our curses, as the others say, are not seen by her. Her eternal kindness bestows to us a sense of belonging. We fight for her, bleed for her, die for her. She is the kindness we deserved, but never got given,"
- Undesirable Edgin, the Found Warrior.
  Fort Traggith is a fort that rests upon the southern regions of Lydgartha, able to look over all of Graceswift, situated upon a plataeu known for harbouring toxic flora. The region is deadly for many who attempt to travel through it, but secret passageways can be found throughout the thickets, and are used to transport those titled as 'Undesirable' by the masses of civilisation. It acts as a safe haven for those persecuted in the Dredge Hunts. Madame Traggith, the newest ruler of this fort, had changed it from an outpost for those attempting to leave Lydgartha, into a safe haven. Traggith was born blind, and had often pledged herself on accepting any and all individuals. Those with mutations, curses, afflictions, or anything else that causes them to be labelled as undesirable, are all given a home under Fort Traggith.
  Fort Traggith is a standard fort. It is built with defensive walls of stone around the furthest exterior, which turrets across each turning point of the outer wall. Ballistas are mounted here, to be fired upon any threat to the people of the fort. These weapons are often mounted with lightning-infused bolts, or FlameStone bolts, capable of causing great destruction to larger enemies, such as giants, fiends, or even dragons. The ballistas, whilst immobile, do have an incredible range. It requires incredible strength to be used, often found in goliaths or Bruteborns, which gives the muscular individuals a purpose when it comes to defending Fort Traggith. Those that do not wish to wield a great weapon, such as a colossal sword or Greatspear, can instead choose to use one of these grand ballistas. Traggith also has great moats that connect the outer wall, up until Fort Traggith's inner town. Other defences, upon the waters of Fort Traggith, involve sea mines. A nifty invention that was made by a scholar who stays at Fort Traggith. These sea mines have poison needles and other harmful substances between the walls of the mine. Once it is disturbed, a lining of gunpowder in the centre of the mine explodes, causing sharpnel and poison to tear at any opponent in the water.
  Madame Traggith had resumed control over Fort Traggith after the death of her father, Eliase Traggith. She managed to turn the building into a refuge by having all of the soldiers get positioned elsewhere, and she brought in those afflicted by curses, instead. She demands for them to be given peace and comfort, for their lives to not be one of pain and suffering. 

Common 'Undesirables'

  The most common individual to live within Fort Traggith are the Bruteborns. Bruteborns are physically strong individuals known for having excessive muscles, capable of destroying steel with mere punches. These individuals are known as Bruteborns as they were often considered as 'the muscles' of many criminal organisations in Lydgartha, until they were theorised to have been an affliction caused by The Myriad. This was due to a Bruteborn attempting to grab one of The Myriad's Tomb , which people suspected that the individual wished to cause disruption. The omen passed into legend, and soon they were killed for being Bruteborns. These brutes found sanctuary within Fort Traggith, where they could prosper and survive in a place that does not wish for their deaths. They also poessess enlargened teeth, often sharpened to be like an apex predator. A deadly game of cat and mouse broke out between the Bruteborns and the rest of Lydgartha, and they were often exterminated by members of The Spirit Hunters , who took higher orders from the Theocracies of Lydgartha.
Founding Date
42 FL
Alternative Names
The Fort of Forgiveness
Contested By

Original and True Purpose of Fort Traggith 

    The purpose of Fort Traggith was to defend Lydgartha and destroy any deserters. However, once the Fort was rightfully given back to Traggith, it became a home for those with nowhere else to go, far away from any other civilisation. To keep these people safe, in a place where they can love, and be loved, is the truest goal for Traggith and the other members of the home. 


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