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Psyche's Seal

"Powers invested into One of Faith can transcend the need for a staff, and bestow magic onto the world from a Seal of Psyche, imbuing their magic with the radiancy of our Beloved Being, the Patron of Graceswift,"
- Religious texts found in Lyonese
  Bestowed from an ancient statue of Psyche, the Divine Being of Graceswift, representing goodness, kindness, and the human soul, the Psyche Seals are stone relics of a bygone age of mutual landsharing between the Fae and Humanoids. In this integrated, druidic society, those that had worshipped Psyche had often found themselves given the powers of a Scion of the Psyche , on a minor level. Holding this magic power was a gift dedicated to Archdruids, powerful Clerics, or peaceful Sorcerers.
  The seal takes a form of a small wing, made of limestone, etched with the intricacies of Psyche's wing. The markings are laced with a magic rune, capable of being used as a spellcasting focus for those that gained spells that were oriented around Belief and Conviction. The Principles of Psyche, once used as the law of the land, could be found engraved on the back of these small focuses. The stone was capable of being held in the palm of the average human's hand, no larger than a dagger. One's faith is directly responsible for the powers of the stone, and if it can be used as a method of casting spells. 
  These stones had slowly been removed from the spotlight of Graceswift, when the four courts were formed, before being used as Weapons of War by the Fae, resisting the Fae-Prowling , an act that was not successful. Currently, most of the known stones that remain are preserved in the lecture halls and study parlours found within Lyonese. Rumours have spread that the stones whisper in the halls at night, begging to be used by a Scion of the Psyche , to prevent some sort of conflict to soon arrive in the land of Graceswift.
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