The Collapsing of Celibrig Physical / Metaphysical Law in Abholos | World Anvil
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The Collapsing of Celibrig

"I don't know where to look now! Just make sure to survive!"
  Skyglider Jack, to his most recent protégé, when the island they were climbing began to fall.
  Psyche, the divine being of Graceswift, is known for imbuing the magic of the land whenever she commences The Psyche Phenomenon. Her benevolent act causes life to grow and for disaster to be quelled - however this source of divine magic can not last forever. With time, it fades, and wilts away, leaving behind dampened regions that lack magic. Directly after the cultural event, the Woven Bridges of Celibrig grow to new heights, forming new connections to other floating islands. However, when the magic weakens, it causes floating islands to lose their magic, and if they are not connected to another floating island, then they fall.
  Happening years after a Psyche Phenomenon, the dampening of magic is first seen with gentle tremors across the affected island. These tremors don't cause much harm to those on the islands - all it brings is a warning to leave before it is too late. Minor cracks in the ground can also indicate this to those who did not sense the tremors. After this stage, most of the magic life on the island is beginning to cage. Small flora such as flowers begin to die and lose their saturation, whereas the leaves on trees begin to fall in large bursts, until all that is left is the bare bark itself. If there are any magic items placed on these islands, it is likely that their magical effects will weaken until the next Psyche Phenonemon.
  The final stage of these weakened magic involves the floating island that is affected beginning to collapse. With a final tremor, all magic on the island ceases to exist. If there is anybody still on the island as it falls, they would begin to lose all of their magical connections until after the collapse. Warlocks would lose connections with their patrons, a Wizard's Spellbook would lose it's natural arcana, and holy people could feel their divine blessings slip away. The smallest islands involved in this collapse often tear apart upon the fall. The remaining shreds of dust and gravel would sprinkle onto the ground - whereas larger islands burst into an explosion of earth and rock upon impact.
  When the next Psyche Phenomenon occurs, the remnants of these floating islands are replenished with magic and arcana, and begin to raise once more. The smaller islands turn into singular, large islands, thanks to the dust spreading across large areas of Celibrig, whereas the previously-large islands burst in an assortment of smaller islands, thanks to the distance of which the remnants of the island can be found.
  The raising process, in some cases, has caused land-locked lakes to form into magical waterfalls, ever-replenishing. In certain villages and towns that have been affected by the collapse of floating islands, the rising process takes homes with it. These homes are said to be owned by future heroes, or those magically gifted. Trees that are uprooted from Aitso's ground are often known to experience rampant growths, turning into Great-Trees. It is said that if one of those trees could bear fruit of berries, that they would either grow in scale with the tree, forming giant-sized portions of food, or duplicate on a level that could feed thousands with every harvest. Even wildlife that eventually rise up with the islands show magical changes. Foxes, as a common example, turn into fantastical beings that can sense where other floating islands are, and the quickest way to get to them. This makes them good animal companions of Skygliders.

The Flattening of Briarbridge

  A former town, now known as a ruinous site that lingers in the air, alongside the small floating islands that have formed in the time since. Briarbridge was once home to many people, but after a period of three years without an instance of a Psyche Phenomenon, the tremors of the islands above bid a cruel warning to all those that lived inside of the town of the impending doom. Luckily enough, they had all chosen to listen. After a mere three weeks, Briarbridge was considered a ghost town. The markets were closed, the fountains ran dry, and there was not a single noise across the entire town. When the inevitable collapse occured, it had wiped out the entire town in a fell swoop. 
  Luckily enough, Psyche returned that year, and had bestowed her divine magic once more. The remnants of Briarbridge would be raised into the air, and met with great vinestalks to connect any of the larger pieces of rubble to the closest floating islands. At some angles, people can see the parts of the destroyed buildings come together to display what their original purpose was. A clocktower, when seen from the higher peaks of the nearest mountain range, can depict the face of the clock, alongside the spire that once rested above it. 
  Some of the former residents of Briarbridge had opted to live in the sky, to see their old home from above. 

Celebrig's Uniqueness

  The purpose of these floating islands, when made by Psyche for the first time, were to save as many people and creatures as possible from a dangerous landslide that swept across Celebrig. The lands were brought as high as they could be into the air, with plenty of supplies to keep the people of the land safe. Psyche thought it'd be best to have these islands be a temporary phenomena as many of the individuals on the islands would wish to return to their old home, once the landslides had ended. The people of Celibrig are eternally grateful for the Divine Being's actions, to save their people from the landslides.


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