The Fated Sleep Condition in Abholos | World Anvil
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The Fated Sleep

"I don't know what the hell happened in there, all I know is that as soon as I stepped foot into that hamlet, I knew something was wrong. I was expecting big crowds, festivals, or at least for the place to feel lively. But I felt none of that. It just felt... empty. Like it was devoid of something - life, joy, anything,"
  • Anonymous Traveler, reporting to Syr Zachary, on the Strange Case of New Pixieville, formerly Pixievale

  •   The Fated Sleep is a magical condition that had lingered within New Pixieville, a hamlet found within the general Graceswift region. The sickness was characterised as a simple common cold, which ended up with the afflicted individual falling into a possibly-eternal sleep the next day. It was exactly 17 hours between when the initial symptoms started, to then the slumber induced by the sickness. Most of these changes in symptoms occur when the afflicted individual is asleep. The way that this disease travels is through a thick blue smog, one that clouds a room within mere moments. Upon inhaling the mist, it causes the afflicted to display symptoms almost immediately. Prophecies that were formed after the initial burst of The Fated Sleep foretold of a great individual putting an end to this disease, which was mischaracterised as a noble, or proud warrior. In truth, it was stopped by an unlikely hero, a swindling street musician, a former smuggler, who won the battle against the disease's creator - not through the clashing of blades, but instead with the power of this individual's kindness and charm, did The Fated Sleep cease to exist.
      Before New Pixieville, or even the formation of the Graceswift Kingdom, there was an opening through the thicket of a forest, that belonged to a group of winged fae, known as Pixies. These charming scoundrels had often taken trinkets from the nearest village in Graceswift. Their homes were made of bark and twigs, and the area was considered a place of peace. There was also a monument to Psyche, the Patron Goddess of the lands, made of trinkets that were taken by the pixies. Once peaceful, there were less than twenty residents within the area, and it's only humanoid visitors were druids, who took part in their carefree celebrations and parties. Once Fae-Prowling had began to sweep across all of Graceswift, the Pixies were not told of the horrific actions, and only found out once a treacherous warrior had slain them all, but one. The only wingless fae, who could not be considered a Pixie, had survived by sinking into a hollow tree stump. Frozen in spade, this singular Fae was emotionally scarred by the dismantling of the once-peaceful place.
      Vengeance, as a concpet, is often alien to the Fae. They don't see actions as the cause for other actions - they just do as they please for any reason. The remaining trickster of Pixievale, however, had felt revenge take a place in his heart after seeing New Pixieville, a settlement built upon his former home. All aspects of his former life were gone, and so he would spend his next days concocting a foul incantation, in order to put the whole village to sleep. His scheme was truly to get revenge against a specific member of the hamlet community - a former warrior that had cut down his friends - the only survivor of that attack, as the others involved in the initial attack had either died of old age, or were killed by members of The Red Moon . The Fated Sleep had been released into the Town Square. Some could argue that it was sentient, as The Fated Sleep seemed to go to different places on it's own volition. Apparently, it had immediately went to the home of the Fae Hunter. From there, it had spread from house to house, until nearly everyone in the Hamlet was asleep. Usually, this ordeal would be dealt with Mages that work directly for Graceswift, but in this case, one of the younger members of the Grace family, the royals of the Graceswift Kingdom, had been affected by the magical disease. Elana Grace, said to be the most cowardly of the Seven Sisters in the family tree, had fallen asleep due to the disease, whilst in a passing carriage.
      Bizarrely enough, some people that were affected by The Fated Sleep saw a strange altercation to their day-to-day lives that wasn't seen by the general populace of the Hamlet. Those that sleepwalked before their infection had been observed to continue doing what they had done before they had fallen asleep, and even after being awoken. Reports of people tending to fields whilst snoring had occured, as well as people working within weaponsmithing quarters as well as armouries. Strangely enough, the work done in these areas was considered high-quality, as if their subconscious mind was capable of doing the work without requiring sight. Famously, this had affected Elana Grace. Despite having never succeeded in a duel, and always being scared of fighting, as well as being generally timid and shy - Elana had developed a strange case of being able to fight with a sword as she slept. She became known for her deadly martial prowess - something she believes doesn't exist. Being afraid of conflict causes Elana to faint, at times. Once during a festival, an attempt on mugging the princess had turned into a case of manslaughter. Elana still has no clue that she killed three thieves in the dead of night - believing that a mysterious warrior saved her in her time of need.

    The Saviour - Honourable Syr Zora

      Zora of the Lands Afar is a poet, quite a charming one, too. Zora had lived their entire life as a scoundrel - specifically a smuggler. Their best operations were taking place between Lydgartha and Graceswift, often bringing wondrous items from either place over the border. They were one of the few people to understand how to cross the Fabled Mirelands in a proper, safe way. Their smuggling days ended when they were apprehended, and spared, by Syr Eden, one of the Syrs of Graceswift . After this, they had become a street performer, often winning people over with their charm and musical prowess. As a part of their travels across Graceswift, Zora had discovered an empty New Pixieville. 
        Their intuition had led them to the Fae that had caused such a change. Zora would, instead of being violent, met the Fae with kindness. In return for ending The Fated Sleep, Zora offered an opportunity for the Fae to find a new home. The Fae accepted, and the curse was lifted. Despite being a pacifist, Zora was not above retribution. Zora, without the Fae's knowledge, had contacted Clara, the Brave, a known warrior who had dealt in killing former Fae-Hunters, such as the one who had lived in New Pixieville. Days later, the Fae-Hunter had went missing, and was never seen again. 


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