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The Million-Fruit Great-Tree

"Oh, that story? The one of the Great Tree in Graceswift? Yes, I've most certainly heard it. It was my favourite, as a child. The thought that there could be trees that grew to the size of whole towns, or even kingdoms, Then again, where could it grow? There's little places where it could even form. Celibrig is in the sky, the roots wouldn't be able to sustain on a floating rock. Colmar is a place foreign to all sorts of life that I'd consider beautiful, and Graceswift itself? Please. Lets be honest here. In the Old Days, it would've been harvested. There couldn't be one proper Great Tree for at least a hundred years,"  
- Inquisitor Teryak, of The Spirit Hunters
  Stories of a tree that was imbued by the magic of Celibrig's floating islands, moments after being planted, have been a centrepoint in the faiytales of Graceswift. The idea of 'Great-Trees' makes for childhood wonder to be amplified to an unprecedented level. Many tales, especially in the regions of Lyonese and Celibrig, speak on if a Great Tree were to ever be formed in Celibrig, then the Kingdom's issues of hunger would be solved completely. Upon the Great Tree, if it was an apple tree, would be thousands, if not millions, of apples, capable of feeding whole regions of people for months. The story had originated from the isolated areas, between Celibrig's floating islands, that were faced with hunger, thanks to all of their farmland being miles below them, as they stayed above the cloudlines. From that thought came an idea, a story of a tree that was able to quell all of their hunger. 
  Stories developed overtime, and were still relevant after the famines had passed on. People found the tree to be aspirational. If a tree could grow at such a bizarre place, then anything could be possible, if focused on. The phrase was popularised after the famines had occured, and stuck around to be a prospect of good will. People took it as a sign that things will get better. Murals were made to commemorate the passing of the famine, depicting the Great-Tree in a similar manner as other cultures interpretations of a 'World-Tree'. Instead of being different worlds upon the branches, it is said that the Great-Tree of Graceswift would burden the aspirations and thoughts of each and every individual in either Celibrig, or all of Graceswift. Fruits represent the individual, and each branch is said to showcase a different family, or region. 
"If a Great-Tree atop Celibrig can do it..."  
- Common Idiom within Celibrig and Greater Graceswift, reduced use when outside of Graceswift. 
  Despite the usual viewpoint of the Great-Tree, some believe that it burdens a sign of power. A philosophy emerged that saw the concept of a Great-Tree as a symbol of Deep Might. Deep Might symbolises the idea of a great warrior, manifesting bravery or strength in a time which'd seem physically, or relatively, impossible. Examples include being able to throw a powerful punch whilst submerged in water, or leaping a great distance during a storm. Deep Might runs through Lyonese, but comes from beyond Graceswift. It's use in the concept of the Million-Fruit Great-Tree holds little value, but yet many still consider it as an alternative viewpoint to the story. 

Influence on Fort Farron 


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