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The Wendigo of Old Cree

Horrors of Lydgartha persist when all natural life falters. The magical systems of torture cycle endlessly, the Wails of a Siren forever echo onto the sea. Crows pick away at the dying, but none come close to the ties of life and death such as the Wendigos. Lydgartha was once home to those who had worshipped the Myriad, an endless form of primordial energy. These sects believed it to be the Primordial Soup that created all life, and that it regretted what it has done to make Aitso, and ultimately, all of the material plane. Old Cree forest used to be a haven for these ritualists. The Myriad was, for once, grateful for the work done by these evil beings, and rewarded them with a chance of becoming a powerful being. What ensued was the murder of every member of this sect, except for one, sole, victor. This individual, believing themselves to be lucky, would find themselves go under a transformation, grotesque in nature, then becoming what is known as The Wendigo of Old Cree.
  For most, if not, all mortals, the Wendigo is a massless, formless foe that somehow takes the form of the greatest fear of that which lays it's eyes on it. However, this is a misconception. From the eyes of a being such as a God, Fiend, Horror, or even such as another Wendigo, they are able to deduce the natural form without fear contorting it's depictions. Whilst the land of mortals pass tales of it's evilness and different abilities that vary from person to person, the Wendigo of Old Cree resembles for the most part, a quadrupedal beast with the general shape of an Elk. What's left of it's skin is stretched out into rough patches across potruding bones, sharpened by the monster itself, or by the Myriad's influence. Further concentration of the Myriad could cause these changes to drastically increase in complexity. Some believe that if the Myriad ever escapes from It's Tomb, it may cause the Wendigo to charge into it's fleet of a thousand hands, to become one with it's fated master. These bones, sharpened, can slice wood as if it was sponge, and often curve with the aging of the beast. The Wendigo of Old Cree's right horn has began to bury itself into it's own skull. It's eyes are hollow, empty sockets displaying a constant lack of emotion. Unclean rags have lingered on it's body for who knows how long, and a pale pink undertone has formed upon exposed bones and claws, from all of those too stupid to avoid Old Cree.
  The Wendigo is known for it's supernatural abilities. Despite it's lack of innate magic, it appears that the Myriad would have bestowed magical prowess onto the creature. Abilities to counter spells and negate magic appear to have little to no effect on the Wendigo. Old Cree itself is said to be protected from the controlling arcana manifested by the Lydgartha Governments. Capabilities of the monstrosity are closely tied to the strength of the worship given to the monster. When offerings are given to the beast, it gains powers gradually until being destroying the artifacts, resulting in reduction to powers. These powers are typically superhuman capabilities, such as the strength of a giant, or the ability to skulk undetected. Some of the followers' artifacts and idols have been able to bestow teleportation over small distances, about the same size as his most loyal cultist's cabin. Shapechanging abilities were always possible for the beast, but it would only use these at points of necesitiy and urgency. It's known forms are usually normal elks, or lone trees, but it can enter a weaker, yet more malleable form, able to get under doors for it's stalkerish moments.

Divine Domains

When the Wendigo was worshipped in recent times, by a now-deceased cultist, was mainly through similar themings as what the Myriad, and bizarrely enough, Rallaster, Old God of Torture. These domains are mainly Death, and War. The War Domain comes from the ancient druid's descendents, who feel a drawing to the monstrosity after coming in contact with the Tomb of the Myriad. Whatever magic has been used by the Myriad onto the Wendigo can be theorised as to being used by it during it's many battles.


  Due to the maddening concept of the Wendigo, many of those who have seen the beast turn to worship, belieivng it to be a necessary divine being to justify it's existence. Often, terms such as 'Praise him' and 'Worship onto the Beast' can be found across journals in Old Cree. Despite having had no current worshippers, at least for the last five years, the Wendigo still holds onto the power it once had due to the lost artifacts within the Cabin. It's old worshipper, before it's newest one, was it's most devout. He was a maddened artist who found beauty in finding the Wendigo hidden in it's tree form. Compared to most symbols given by the previous rulers, this cultist made beautiful depictions and models of the being. Around his former home, there is plenty portraits of the Wendigo in it's tree form, hidden amongst the other trees around.   After the artist had passed away due to old age, the cabin was bought by an older couple, but after finding some of his old ritual equipment, skulls of small animals, and much much more, the wife had left. She moved back to the old home for a short while, but when she returned, her husband was dead, possibly through ritual sacrifice or a direct kill from the wendigo.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Hunting any foul creatures of the Forest
Current Residence
Old Cree Forest
Vague, Empty, A lack of Pupils
Ragged, Greying, Dirty
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Stretched, Dry, Pale
15 Feet
580 lbs
The Myriad


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