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"From the seas, beyond the shoreline. With a carapace unlike any being I've found. I've never been more frightened in my life. They are inevitable, vile, and monstrous beasts,"
  Within the oceans of Aitso, especially near the equator, lies many terrritories belonging to the Yuralings. These settlements are guarded by these large creatures. Whilst their origin is not certain, their bodies give off a static magical aura. Yuralings are closest to resembling humanoid crabs. With faces that seem alien to the general populations of Aitso, their figure is resembling a traditional citizen of the world above. Their carapace is coloured red and white, and layers their bodies in a protective shell. This makes many of the more monstrous versions of them, those that reside in the depths, or Aquatic Abyss, impervious to arrows. Their exteriors can only be shattered through blunt-force, making some of their most hated enemies being Dwarves, thanks to their excessive use of weapons like Warhammers. They also hold disdain towards many surface-dwelling races, such as humans, as long as they are upon the coastlines. Being from the ocean means that the Yuralings run into fishing boats and navy vessels. Seen as monstrous, similar to the Crusticiaks, monstrous crabs that wield human hands to lure those that sink too far into the ocean, the Yuralings are often hunted and fought.
  Yuralings do not have hands. They have claws. Due to this, holding onto objects is rather hard. The objects used in Yuraling societies and regions are often designed in a manner that makes wielding objects much easier for these crabfolk. Weapons wielded by the Yuralings are often made with fine craftmanship, and excel at combat that takes place at sea. Noble Yuralings, or Champions of ritual combat, are often given Yuraling Scissors, a set of blades that are conjoined above the hilt. This pair of blades is considered capable of piercing through Yuraling carapace, and is used by Champions to execute thoughs against the Yuraling Settlements. They are strange weapons that are rarely seen in cultures and societies above the ocean, on land. 

Yuraling Traits 

  Yuralings have incredible strength and protection. They have giant claws which they can use as natural weapons, at any time. Their exoskeletons act as natural armor, a carapace. 
    Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution increases by 1. 
Age. Yuralings mature by their late teens and can live up to almost 180 years. However, most Yuralings are killed before they can reach this age. 
Alignment. Yuralings are not accustomed to strict societies in their underwater homeland. Most Yuralings tend to be chaotic or neutral.Good and evil are alien concepts to these Crabfolk.  
Size. Yuralings stand about 6 to 7 feet tall and weigh around 300 pounds. Your size is Medium. 
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your base swimming speed is 30 feet. 
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water. 
Natural Armor. While you wear no armor, your AC is equal to 11 + your Constitution modifier. You may wield a shield and still gain this benefit. 
Destructive Claws. Your unarmed strikes inflict slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. 
Fears of The Deep. You can instill fear into your opponents easily. You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill. 
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan. 
Aquatic Abyssal
Geographic Distribution

Special Items


Yuraling Sword 

Weapon (Any Sword), Uncommon 
  If the wielder of this weapon is a Yuraling, then Yuraling Sword gains; "You have a +1 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon."

Yuraling Shortspear 

Weapon (Any Spear), Uncommon 
  If the wielder of this weapon is a Yuraling, then Yuraling Shortspear gains; "You have a +1 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.".

Yuraling Scissors 

Weapon (Double Bladed Scimitar), Rare 
  If the wielder of this weapon is a Yuraling, then Yuraling Scissors gains; "You have a +2 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.".


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