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Yendria D'cas

Yendria is a demi-goddess, a daughter of the Pantheon of Leziju. She's from a universe other than Earth and her native language is The Language of Yeshieian.  


  • Blood is bluegreen and tastes inhuman.
  Yendria is a demigod, born of the deity Banshap Jeshu who impregnated her human mother. It ruined her mother's life, and so she was cast out and sent to live with Matron at an orphanage. She doesn't know where she originated from, only that she grew up with Matron and sees her as her true mother.   Yendria has many abilities but does not recharge her batteries as much as she needs to, if at all, so her abilities tend to be fractured and unreliable.   Her father spent most of her formative years trying to convince her to join him and be his queen and general of his armies, becoming increasingly frustrated when she refused due to an unending loyalty to Matron and to Zovas. At sixteen, to prove his strength and convince her she'd only be safe with him, he had a group of the boys she'd grown up with and, until that moment, trusted, gang rape her. Afterwards, he promised that if she didn't join him, next time it would be Zovås.   Knowing she'd forgive him but he'd never forgive himself, she fled rather than agreeing to her father's terms, packing her bags in the night and disappearing, leaving only an apologetic note behind, and took up a life of bounty hunting and odd jobs across the sands.   When she was 19, she was paid to escort a woman and her baby across the sands. She ended up tasked with the care of the baby. During an encounter, the baby's motherdied, and so Yendria took the baby the rest of the way, to a palace where he was no longer wanted. When the guards tried to kill them, Yendria fled with the baby, intending to leave him with Matron, but he had already formed a lasting attachment and so she kept him and named him Eru.  



  • Sewing
  • Cooking
  • Combat

Demigod Abilities

  • Healing (difficult, hurts her/transfers the wound) 
  • Transference (milk from person A to person B, blood from her to someone else etc) 
  • Lights candles with mind 
  • Portals 
  • Can feel out, like see if hungry etc
  • Object summoning/creating

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

  • Scar down the left side/back of neck from attack when she was 16.
  • A scar down her left bicep from the same attack
  • Numerous other scars from her life as a nomad
Long, raven black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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