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Yendria's Language • The Language of Yeshièian

Natively known as: Yeshiè /jeˈʃiɛ/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
jo rò bèhè zatiʄa sixashè fabo jo lej́ò sixashè zixo bèbè lej́ò sho>
Pronunciation: /ʒɔ rə ˈɓɛhɛ zaˈtiʄa siˈɣaʃɛ ˈfaɓɔ ʒɔ ˈleɟə siˈɣaʃɛ ˈziɣɔ ˈɓɛɓɛ ˈleɟə ʃɔ/
Yeshièian word order: and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face the wind to   The native language of Yendria Dcas.  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b c d f h j k l m n r s t v w z ɓ ɗ ɟ ɣ ɲ ʃ ʄ ʒ/

↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Palatal Velar Labio-velar Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ
Stop b t d c ɟ k
Implosive ɓ ɗ ʄ
Fricative f v s z ʃ ʒ ɣ h
Approximant j w
Trill r
Lateral approximant l

Vowel inventory: /a e i u ɔ ə ɛ/

Front Central Back
High i u
High-mid e
Mid ə
Low-mid ɛ ɔ
Low a

  Syllable structure: (C)V
Stress pattern: No fixed stress
Word initial consonants: b, c, d, f, h, j, k, l, m, n, r, s, t, v, w, z, ɓ, ɟ, ɣ, ɲ, ʃ, ʒ
Mid-word consonants[pg]: b, c, d, f, h, j, k, l, m, n, r, s, t, v, w, z, ɓ, ɗ, ɟ, ɣ, ɲ, ʃ, ʄ, ʒ
Word final consonants: N/A

Show frequency stats  

Word initial: ɟ*21 ɓ*19 ɣ*17 c*16 ʒ*15 v*14 z*14 r*13 ʃ*13 f*12 f*12 ɲ*12 d*11 h*11 l*11 b*11 t*10 s*10 n*10 w*10 j*10 k*10 m*9
Mid-word: m*33 k*25 j*21 w*19 n*17 s*16 t*15 b*14 l*14 h*13 d*13 ɲ*12 f*12 f*12 ʃ*11 r*11 z*11 v*11 ʒ*10 c*10 ɣ*10 ɓ*10 ɟ*10 ɗ*10 ʄ*10
Word final:

  Phonological changes (in order of application):  

  • i → eː / _#
  • r → rː / _N
  • v → p / #_
  • f → v / #_
  • w → v / V_
  • k → c / V_V
  • k → ç / _#
  • S → Ø / #_F
  Spelling rules:  

Pronunciation Spelling
c chj>
j y>
ɓ b>
ɔ o>
ɗ >
ə >
ɛ >
ɟ >
ɣ x>
ɲ >
ʃ sh>
ʒ j>


  Main word order: Subject-Verb-Object-Oblique. "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary opened the door with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: postpositions




Singular Plural
Masculine Prefix də-
dòbuwò> /dəˈbuwə/
Prefix nɔ-
nobuwò> /nɔˈbuwə/
Feminine Prefix ɟə-
j́òbuwò> /ɟəˈbuwə/
Prefix fa-
fabuwò> /faˈbuwə/
Neuter Prefix ka-
kabuwò> /kaˈbuwə/
Prefix ɟɔ-
j́obuwò> /ɟɔˈbuwə/



Singular Plural
Masculine Prefix ʒɛ-
jèbuwò> /ʒɛbuˈwə/
Prefix cə-
chyòbuwò> /cəbuˈwə/
Feminine Prefix rə-
ròbuwò> /rəˈbuwə/
Prefix bu-
bubuwò> /bubuˈwə/
Neuter Prefix fe-
febuwò> /feˈbuwə/
Prefix ti-
tibuwò> /tiˈbuwə/



1st singular hè> /hɛ/
I, me
2nd singular e> /e/
3rd singular masc rò> /rə/
he, him, it
3rd singular fem lè> /lɛ/
she, her, it
1st plural inclusive le> /le/
we, us (including you)
1st plural exclusive zu> /zu/
we, us (excluding you)
2nd plural xa> /ɣa/
you (all)
3rd plural masc fe> /fe/
they, them (masculine)
3rd plural fem chyò> /cə/
they, them (feminine)

Possessive determiners


1st singular fu> /fu/
2nd singular do> /dɔ/
3rd singular masc > /ɛ/
his, its
3rd singular fem jo> /ʒɔ/
her, its
1st plural inclusive ñò> /ɲə/
our (including you)
1st plural exclusive vu> /vu/
our (excluding you)
2nd plural chyò> /cə/
3rd plural masc xi> /ɣi/
their (masculine)
3rd plural fem ve> /ve/
their (feminine)



Present Prefix ci-
chyijozò> /ciˈʒɔzə/
Past Prefix cə-
chyòjozò> /cəˈʒɔzə/
Remote past Prefix ɲa-
ñajozò> /ɲaˈʒɔzə/
Future Prefix zi-
zijozò> /ziˈʒɔzə/

Derivational morphology

Adjective → adverb = Prefix vu-
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Prefix le-
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Prefix ɲi-
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Prefix le-
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Prefix ɓe-
Noun → verb (to create [noun]) = Prefix ɟə-
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Prefix ɣa-
Verb → adjective (likely to do [verb]) = Prefix ʒɔ-
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Prefix ɟɔ-
Verb → noun that verb physically produces (e.g. build → building) = Prefix ʃɔ-
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Prefix də-
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Prefix cə-
Diminutive = Prefix ta-
Augmentative = Prefix də-


5672 Words.
Common Phrases
  • kuzò zae ɟɔbeʄimi - loud little screamer


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