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Eldritch creatures that inhabit the more inhospitable arks. These are creatures of various sizes and shapes with no particular taxonomy. They take the form of various existing mostly humanoid and seldom feral creatures with sizes ranging around the height of a human or dog to lumbering masses the size of skyscrapers. They are mindless creatures, a bastardized visage of familiar facades that prey on each other with no real sense of survival instinct, often destroying each other outright for no particular reason as well as any other living creature they might encounter. These creatures are seemingly born from the ether and bolstered by the aberrant energies close to the arks. Many of these creations eventually wander far from their nests, eventually weakening enough to be handled by conventional weapons.   These creatures are believed to be mutated animals and even people that still inhabited major arks the Aberrant energy mutating their genetics severely. Abominations and demons are terms given by most lamen while neo-fauna is the term most agreed upon within the scientific community.


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