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Aberrant energy

The name is given to the seemingly supernatural forces that cause the many phenomenons within the arks. Aberrant energy is not a scientific consensus of the arks' inner working but more of a catch-all term for the general absurd forces that cause both the maddening and wondrous conceptions of the arks. This energy itself has no particular unit of measurement or form of acquisition and use. Instead, it is summarized by the amount of overall gravitational and magnetic anomalies present in places, creatures, and materials. Dark resources , for example, are said to have a high amount of aberrant energy, though not due to any form of actual measurable energy but instead the anomalous magnetic readings that come off the substance as well as whatever new properties it gains. Despite this, materials and beings near places said to have aberrant energy do in fact appear to get "irradiated," and small amounts of residual magnetic irregularities are often present in subjects that come into contact with said places and materials. The scientific consensus is not clear about what information is being shared between this aberrant matter in the arks, so aberrant energy is a placeholder. While aberrant energy itself can't be measured, the effects of it on a material can. This measurement first comes from understanding a particular property of a material in its non-aberrant state, for instance, the tensile strength of aluminum. If an aberrant piece of aluminum has 20% more tensile strength, then the material is given a 0.2 measurement of aberrance or MOA for its tensile strength. The same applies to any other measurement, such as energy potential. in general, this measurement just describes the increase in any natural property a material gains.   When it comes to living creatures, it is understood that Abominations/Demons are creatures mutated by this aberrant energy. while creatures such as the intelligent animals that inhabit aberrant earth are simply mutated to a lesser extent. When it comes to Gifted and Angels/ Guardian beasts / Spirits These are simply unique individuals who can tune into this aberrant energy and use it to their advantage without succumbing to its corruption. It is not agreed upon whether one form of this chaotic energy exists or multiple that might affect genetics and physical properties independently.


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