BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Simulacrums, also known as haunts are a phenomenon found within arks that are best described as spontaneous short-term realities. objects and subjects appear at first as apparitions but the manifestations soon become corporeal. The first of the haunts appeared after the demonic invasion on earth, sprouting in random areas throughout the planet. Haunts as they would soon be called because they resembled places seemingly possessed by supernatural and spiritual phenomena. Indeed apparitions of humanoid figures and audible voices are the most common appearance in these locations, often described as a repetitive reply of past events. Haunts exist in extremes ranging from the simple audiovisual phenomenon seen in small abandoned locations to full-blown corporeal realizations of people and objects in large blocks of forsaken locations. As with their scale of intensity haunts present a level of danger depending on their corporeal nature with both inanimate hazards like fires and crumbling structures too full simulacrums of hostile individuals. Additionally abominations/Demons will often manifest as familiar subjects and objects and present a danger masked in a more familiar visage. Haunts will often manifest as infinite fractal locations with repetitive liminal spaces. In the most intense of haunts, larger spaces like outdoor locations will manifest within limited indoor spaces however unlike a Tera portal where the location is more entrenched in reality, and travel is accomplished, these locations will appear nonsensical and are subject to collapsing into the more natural locations they manifest in.   There are also a select few of these haunts with a particular function, with their ability to simulate reality being affected by an individual's mind. In these rare haunts, thoughts and reality become the same for an individual, and any need and desire are supposedly met only through one's will to have them. Those afflicted by these haunts are often found unconscious in these locations Months after going missing comatose but otherwise healthy despite potential days without food or water. Unconscious bodies removed from the locations often end up perishing after a few days however those woke from these subconscious states describe a personal heaven where every desire was met. Consequently, many of these individuals woken up from this state appear in great mental duress and end up attempting suicide shortly after. This particular fact of haunts is a rumor among many communities and those living poor lives often seek out the places to escape their cruel realities.


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